Generally, it is advisable to start planting wisteria in spring or fall. However, you can plant it in the summer. In this case, it is essential to water it regularly so that it does not suffer from high heat.
glycine pot can be planted all year round if you keep it indoors. It is just recommended to adapt the temperature of your house. However, if you leave it on the balcony or on the terrace, it is recommended not to plant it in winter.
Unlike the wisteria planted in the garden which does not require fertilizer, a contribution of manure is necessary for the planting in pot. Prepare a decomposed compost to mix with the soil. You can also choose a potash-based fertilizer. However, it is advisable to use a fertilizer that contains nitrogen. It is important to note that potted wisteria takes longer to flower than wisteria planted in the garden.
Here are the 9 steps to follow to properly plant and maintain your potted wisteria: