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Lily of the valley:9 tips to make it last longer!

It's a tradition ! The e thrush , formerly known as Lily of the Valleys , is an essential flower on May 1, Labor Day. And for good reason, it is customary to offer one or more sprigs of lily of the valley to loved ones, and to receive some. This idea is not new, since Charles IX was seduced by this plant with delicate fragrant white bells , recognizable among a thousand, he decided to share it with the ladies of the court every year, on the first day of May. Especially since lily of the valley has always been considered a good luck symbol . But unfortunately, it is a fragile plant that never survives very long, unless you maintain it properly .

How to store freshly cut sprigs of lily of the valley?

The sprigs of lily of the valley, which are picked at the end of April in the spring, can be kept in good condition for several weeks thanks to a few gardening tips . First, you have to be careful to choose the right lily of the valley . Prefer straight strands, with white bells or even flower buds that have not yet opened. This will allow them to develop and open up quietly once in the water. Next, it is important to prune the lily of the valley stalks thanks to an oblique incision, the water will then be able to better penetrate the flower. For watering it is advisable to change the water of the flowers regularly, every two days.
Finally, do not place your bouquet of lily of the valley just anywhere, find it a place protected from the sun's rays. sun and wind .

Discover all our tips for storing cut sprigs of lily of the valley in our slideshow.

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