Looking to save your washing up liquid?
There's always a good reason to make dish soap last longer, right?
Whether it's because there are hardly any left, to avoid wasting or to save money...
My grandmother always has simple and effective tips to make her washing-up liquid last 3 times longer.
Here are 6 money-saving tips for dishwashing liquid that really lasts longer. Watch:
The simplest things are also often the most effective!
There is almost no washing up liquid at the bottom of the bottle.
But if... You know well. When there's more, there's more!
Just open your bottle of product and add some water.
Then shake and use your dishwashing product.
You will see that you can still make it last a long time .
And it remains very effective.
Why ? Because the water dilutes the soap that remains at the bottom of the bottle and on the walls.
And here we go again!
Super practical when the bottle is almost empty.
However, be careful not to add too much water either so that the product remains well degreasing.
Find out how here.
The idea is somewhat the same.
Except that there, we don't wait for the bottle to be empty or almost empty to act...
Half the liquid is poured into an empty bottle.
And we complete with water.
We shake and that's it.
Certainly the liquid is less concentrated, but it remains effective.
Worried it's not degreasing enough? No problem!
Just add a little touch of magic:in other words white vinegar!
Put 10 cl of white vinegar and your dishwashing liquid becomes ultra degreasing naturally.
And hop, over here the dishwashing liquid moumoune!
No need to go into complex dishwashing liquid recipes.
Here, the manufacture is very easy.
The idea is really to use less dish soap, whether for ecological or economic reasons.
So, we start from what already exists, namely industrial dishwashing liquid... to obtain the most biodegradable soap possible.
Just mix it with natural products that enhance its effectiveness.
For this, you need a 500 ml bottle in which you put 1 teaspoon of baking soda and 1 tablespoon of white vinegar.
We pour 100 ml of dishwashing liquid and add 20 drops of lemon essential oil.
All that remains is to top up with water and shake.
That's all ! You see, making his product is super easy.
With this recipe, we make 50 cl of DIY dishwashing liquid with 10 cl of industrial product.
So we do 5 times more.
It's still a nice saving !
Do you use a pump bottle for your washing-up liquid?
It is true that it is practical.
But did you notice anything?
The liquid level drops much faster with a dispenser!
Why ? It's simple, the pump delivers too much product at once.
Hello waste...
Of course, this is not really a coincidence.
Because like that, we are forced to buy more liquid...
Unless we use this easy little trick!
Just put a rubber band on the pump.
It's simple, but it keeps it from sinking all the way.
As a result, it delivers less soap .
Smart and practical, isn't it?
If you have a pump bottle, you can also use this other trick.
Put 3 to 4 tablespoons of product in the empty pump bottle.
It's up to you to adjust according to what you want...
Fill the rest of the bottle with water, but not to the top.
Leave a small space for the pump and to easily mix the water and soap.
Close the bottle and shake.
And that's all ! By using a pump, you will foam your product. Awesome, right?
As a result, you can install this pump on any container such as a jar for example.
To do this, simply drill a hole in the metal cover.
It's nice, because it gives a rustic side to the kitchen.
Thanks to this trick, a bottle of washing-up liquid lasts 4 to 6 months... instead of 1 month.
Not only does it make a nice thick foam to have clean plates...
But in addition, we save money.
Not bad, right?
I'm sure you've already done it too:put a small squirt of product every time you wash a plate!
At this rate, the stock of dishwashing liquid is quickly exhausted...
And our grandmothers knew it well.
That's why they used another technique much more economical .
They would fill a sink in the sink with water and put some washing up liquid in it once and for all.
They put the dirty dishes in it to soak for a few minutes.
Then with a sponge or a brush, they rubbed to loosen the dirt.
All you have to do then is rinse in the 2nd basin filled with hot water for clean and sparkling dishes.
This trick allows you to save twice:water and product.
Smart grandmas!
And of course, these tips are effective, no matter what product you use:Lidl, Rainette, H2O, Ikea, Paic, Fairy, Green Tree...