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Decoration:a young man remodels his 14 square meter apartment to perfection

Living in spaces whose area barely exceeds ten square meters is common in large cities (housing considered decent and suitable for renting must be at least 9 square meters as a reminder) . And of course, it's not always easy to create a pleasant home when you don't really have the space to fit everything you want into it... But you can always take an example from Anthony Triolo, an actor who lives in New York and has an overflowing creativity! In 2010, the young man decided to rent an apartment of barely 14 square meters on the Upper West Side, a chic district of Manhattan. “It was the only apartment I found that was not a scam. The rent was low, it was clean and the bathroom had just been renovated “, he explains to NY Magazine .

A completely modernized space

A good deal then, except that the decoration was not really to his liking. The actor, who had earned a degree in architecture before embarking on comedy (yes, there is no mystery!), has optimized the space very efficiently and above all has given a new in the place that has become unrecognizable. Among other things, he designed a new ladder that leads to his bed, bought iron shelves and storage boxes which he placed everywhere. And the result is impressive! While his stay in the "tiny apartment" as he calls it was to be temporary, Anthony Triolo no longer has any desire to leave it, 6 years after his arrival. Better still, his home has aroused the admiration of many Internet users who have not failed to congratulate the work done on his Instagram account. We'll let you make up your own mind, and why not pick up some decorative ideas here and there!

And the front: