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Decoration:these tips to enlarge your apartment and better live your confinement

Some of you are lucky enough to spend your confinement in large spaces and even have balconies, we are very jealous!
And then others are like us, demoralized at the idea of ​​spending more one less locked up between four walls, having to support our spouse, also working from home...

Your co-worker is showing off with his 120 m² and his garden, show him that a small apartment can be just as pleasant to live with even in these complicated times.

Brightness at max

Working in a dark room will make you sleepy and dampen your spirits, so let's start transforming your interior by improving the light .
First thing to do:clear your windows ! The cocooning effect of double curtains is a good thing for a while, but here you are looking to bathe your apartment in light and we assure you that thick fabrics are the bad idea par excellence. Move your curtains a few dozen centimeters using a rod longer than the width of your windows to clear them and let in light. If you're the extreme and radical type, remove your heavy curtains altogether and opt for a light sheer to hide you from nosy neighbors.

And since the clouds often hide our beloved Sun, the artificial lights are our best ally to light up our space. We rely on lights everywhere and we favor suspensions for an impression of lightness.

Paint to enlarge and structure spaces

To continue with this idea of ​​clarity, we put on white walls , or at least light, by opting for a cream or cotton color.
Several options are available to you if you feel like a Valérie Damidot:
You can use the same light shade from floor to ceiling to give the illusion of high ceilings . It's the same principle as your best friend who is 1.60m tall and who decides to dress in monochromatic white from head to toe to cheat and look taller.
The second solution if your room is long is to paint the back wall in a darker color to give depth to the space and the perfect optical illusion of a larger interior!

Mirror my beautiful mirror, tell me who has the biggest apartment

Voted best tip to enlarge your apartment, place mirrors everywhere is also a great decorative idea. In addition to giving the impression of having pushed the walls, the mirror brings a lot of clarity to the room by reflecting the light, and gives a certain cachet to the walls.
Opt for large horizontal mirrors above the furniture and also place one standing on your front door; also perfect for checking on your outfit before going out for your weekly shopping.

Bet on the right furniture

Imposing furniture takes up space in your home and nibbles away at precious square meters. Prefer low furniture orsuspended which frees up space. Transparency is also an idea to purify a room.

The must is to invest in multifunctional furnishings and smart:the coffee table in the living room which can be lifted to turn into a pretty dining room table, the bed which can be lifted and reveals a large chest to store all your clothes; inventors are always full of ideas.

Don't overlook the power of a tidy house

You feel cramped and you need air, the storage is the key. If you can't even see your feet, there's a problem; clear the floor of everything that clutters it to see more clearly. Do not overload the rooms and optimize every corner as well as possible. Tidying up your house is also tidying up your mind.

We share a last tip for the most lazy:take your phone, open the camera application and activate the wide angle; you'll see, it's magic! The illusion will only last a while but will cheer you up for a few moments .

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