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6 x Roses used differently

Do you have roses in the garden that have not been sprayed? Then you can make the nicest and tastiest things with it. Get inspired with 6 x roses used differently. Make jam, syrup, tea, rose water, candied roses or use the roses to dry.

Roses in the garden

Many people (especially women) love roses. Not surprising when you consider that these flowers are available in all colors of the rainbow. They are also fairly easy plants to care for. Most roses bloom from May/June to October. Which type and color you choose depends on your own preference and the space in the garden.

You can leave the flowers on the bush or pick them and make other things with them. Roses are extremely suitable for consumption (note:the roses must then be unsprayed) and can be processed into various care products. Below you will find a number of tips for using roses differently.

6 x Roses used differently

Do you have a few roses in the garden? Then consider doing or making the following things with it.

1. Rose jam

You can make delicious jam from roses. The jam is delicious with toast, cake or ice cream. In addition, homemade rose jam is also nice to give as a gift. Fill the jam in a beautiful glass, add a personalized label and you have a perfect and above all unique gift. Made with lots of love.

Supplies for making rose jam

  • Pan
  • Jam jars (possibly to be replaced by glass jars with a click lid made from vegetables in jars, for example)
  • Soup ladle

Rose jam recipe

100 grams of rose petals (unsprayed and checked for caterpillars and other animals)

250 grams of jelly sugar (2:1)

350ml Water

3 Lemons (organic)

1 tablespoon vanilla sugar

How to make rose jam

  1. Pick unsprayed roses. Remove the rose petals from this, because only the leaves are used to make jam
  2. Wash the leaves under a gentle stream and check that no insects are left behind (caterpillars, snails)
  3. Mix the washed rose petals with the jelly sugar and let it stand for about 4 hours
  4. Take a pan, add the water, the rose petals with icing sugar, vanilla sugar and the juice of the lemons
  5. Bring to the boil and let it simmer for 20 minutes
  6. You can then puree the whole with the immersion blender
  7. Fill the sterilized and still hot glasses with the still hot jam (using a ladle). Do not fill higher than 1 cm below the rim. Make sure you haven't tampered with it. Remove air bubbles by lightly tapping the bottom of the glass on a towel. Close the lid and turn the jar upside down. You can let it cool upside down or turn it over again.
  8. Place a label on the front and store the homemade jam in a cool and dark place

2. Rose syrup

You can also make delicious syrup from roses. Something different than the standard syrup that you can buy everywhere in the store. Note:It seems that rose syrup acts as an aphrodisiac. So perhaps less suitable for giving to children.


  • Pan with lid
  • Clean, sealable bottles
  • Sieve

Rose syrup recipe

2 handfuls full of unsprayed rose petals (preferably scented rose varieties)

500ml Water

500 grams of sugar

½ teaspoon citric acid

How to make rose syrup

  1. Put the rose petals in the pan and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over it
  2. Bring to the boil and then turn off the gas
  3. Put a lid on the pan and let it steep for at least 15 minutes. The longer the more color and taste
  4. Sieve the rose petals and bring the water with the sugar and citric acid to a boil
  5. Let this cook until a syrupy mass remains
  6. Allow to cool in a sterilized hot bottle with cap
  7. Use the syrup as desired:pour a little syrup into a glass, add water and a few ice cubes

3. Rose tea

Rose tea is not only delicious, but also very healthy. To make rose tea you need dried rose heads. Use small rose varieties in advance for this. The tea is soothing, helps with insomnia, headaches and depression.

Rose tea is made by adding a few rosebuds to 1 liter of tea. Let it steep (5 minutes), remove the roses and enjoy a delicious cup of rose tea.

4. Rose water

You can buy rose water, also known as rose hydrolate, in the store and online, but you can also make it yourself. Rose water can be used in pastries and cakes. In addition, rose water is a blessing for your skin. The water contains many vitamins, including vitamins A, B3, C, D and E. By using rose water, the blood circulation of the skin is stimulated.

You can use rose water for :

  • Atomize in a diffuser
  • As a perfume (base of homemade perfume)
  • Against tired eyes
  • Against pimples and blackheads
  • In the bath (soothing)
  • Against skin aging
  • As a sleeping aid (just spray a little rose water on your pillow)

Want to make rose water yourself? This is possible with the step-by-step explanation below:


500 grams Rose petals

500 ml distilled water

Well-closable bottle

Pan with lid


This is how you make rose water

As you can see above, it is not very easy to make rose water yourself, because you need quite a few rose petals. Only use unsprayed rose petals for this.

  1. Take the pan, fill it with water and add the rose petals
  2. Bring the whole thing to the boil and let it cook for about 10 minutes on low flame
  3. Remove from the heat, put the lid on and wait until it stops steaming (let it stand for at least 30 minutes without opening the lid)
  4. Sieve and put directly into a sterilized bottle with a lid
  5. Store in a cool, dry and dark place

5. Candied roses

Did you know that you can also make a delicious delicacy from roses? The candied rose petals have a soft and sweet taste. You can simply snack on it or use it as a decoration on cake, cakes, pastries and ice cream.




Baking tray

Baking paper

20 (scented) rose petals

2 protein

100 grams (coarse) sugar

How to make candied roses

  1. Clean the rose petals (without water)
  2. Whip the 2 egg whites until stiff
  3. Dip the rose petals one by one in the egg whites
  4. Sprinkle sugar on both sides
  5. Allow the leaves to dry for 2 hours in a lukewarm oven (50°C)
  6. After drying, store in a well-sealed container in a cool and dry place

6. Dried roses

Do you want to enjoy your roses longer? Then you can let the roses dry. There are several ways to dry roses. Choose an oven if you want to get the roses quickly or let them hang upside down in a dry and dark place for a few months. Dried roses can be used as wall decorations, processed in DIY projects or used in tea.

Reading tip:this is how you make dried flowers

What do you do with roses? Do you just enjoy it in the garden or do you process it further?