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Flames in your barbecue? A tip to avoid them.

Flames in your barbecue? A tip to avoid them.

You love barbecues in the summer:there are not many more user-friendly!

The problem is that you fear the risk of flames. They can be dangerous and could turn the party into a nightmare.

I understand you and I have a tip that will allow you to avoid the flames of a barbecue for sure from now on.

The trick to extinguishing barbecue flames is simply to use baking soda and water. Watch:

Flames in your barbecue? A tip to avoid them.


To taste delicious small skewers safely , you will need:

- baking soda

- a spoon

- one liter of water in a bottle

- a vaporizer

How to

1. Mix two large spoonfuls of baking soda in one liter of water.

2. Pour everything into a spray bottle.

3. If the flames are too invasive , give it a few light spray strokes.


There you go, now you can easily control the flames of your barbecue :-)

Bicarbonate has the advantage of reducing the flames and calming down a too intense fire.

Now you can enjoy your guests. But don't forget to take a look from time to time so you can react in time !

Your turn...

Do you have another magic trick to share with us in the comments, to avoid big barbecue flames? We can't wait to read you!