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20 Surprising Uses of Vinegar, Your Most Useful Commodity.

20 Surprising Uses of Vinegar, Your Most Useful Commodity.

The days when vinegar was only for salad are over !

Of course it has its advantages in the kitchen, but vinegar can also be used throughout the house, for cleaning and much more.

You just need to know these 20 ways to use it.

You will see, it changes your life.

20 Surprising Uses of Vinegar, Your Most Useful Commodity.

1. To clean a DVD or CD

Your CD or DVD is slightly scratched or dirty? Do not invest in specialized products, and rather take a soft cloth and vinegar. A gentle rubbing will bring that DVD back to life.

If that's still not enough, try using toothpaste.

2. To remove deodorant stains from clothing

White deodorant stains, tomato sauce, mustard... All of this can come off very easily if you react quickly, and with vinegar! Just spray a little on the stain before putting your garment in the washing machine.

And for all other stains, here are our solutions.

3. To peel off a label

We all know the problem of the label which peels off badly and leaves residue... So next time, use vinegar:rub a little on the label, let it soak for 5 min and take off. Magic, everything goes away very easily.

Otherwise, you can also use your hair dryer.

4. To soothe the throat

A few drops of apple cider vinegar in your tea would help a lot. But hey, OK, we understand that it's not very good. As a result, we suggest that you put two spoons in your diffuser, for example.

In this way, you will enjoy its benefits throughout the house, without having to taste it.

5. To clean your faucets

Is your faucet doing a bit of a face at the moment? No need to ruin yourself on household products. To clean lime scale from faucets, use a mixture of 2 tablespoons of salt and 1 teaspoon of white vinegar.

We explain everything in detail here. Your bathroom will be like new.

6. To repel ants

Show no mercy. If you see ants in your home, put pure white vinegar (not water) wherever you think they are hiding or passing by.

As a precaution, also put it on the bottom of doors and window sills. Around household appliances, too.

And also try our other 5 techniques.

7. To soothe insect bites

Do not spend tens of euros on a pharmaceutical cream. Your grandmother would tell you that a little white vinegar dabbed on the bite will make you stop the urge to scratch just as effectively. No, actually it's more efficient.

8. To disinfect a wound

It may not be a very pleasant experience, but you have to go through it. You can disinfect a wound very effectively with white vinegar, which will act as an antiseptic. Come on, let's grit our teeth.

9. To hold nail polish

No need to invest in base coat! Pass a cotton ball soaked in white vinegar on your nails before applying the varnish, and you will have exactly the same thing.

Your varnish lasts longer, and your nails are protected. Oh yeah. And here's how to make it dry faster.

10. To prevent frost on car windows

The day before, rub the windows and sensitive areas with a mixture of 3 tablespoons of white vinegar and 1 of water. It will save you from finding an ice cube in place of your car on winter mornings.

And if ever you don't have vinegar, here's another solution.

11. To remove salt residue from the car carpet

We all know that road salt gets on your shoes and then ends up... in your car! And since it's corrosive, it damages the floor. So to clean all that easily, spray a mixture of half vinegar, half water, then dry gently with a towel.

And for everything else in the car, here are our instructions.

12. To fight cat pee

Do cats like to mark their territory around your house? No worries. Spray the area with white vinegar, which you then rinse with water to avoid a too strong smell.

Cats hate it, so they should keep quiet. And if they cling, here are five other methods.

13. To have beautiful hair

Apple cider vinegar can be used as a hair conditioner. For this, use 3 tablespoons of water and 1 teaspoon of vinegar, which you apply to your hair. Leave for a few minutes and rinse off in the shower.

It is very effective against dandruff, and it will make your hair shiny.

14. To replace fabric softener

Add 150 ml of white vinegar to your usual detergent to better preserve the colors of your laundry and prevent lint. It can even replace fabric softener. You don't even need all those expensive detergents anymore.

15. To soothe aches

Apple cider vinegar is very useful after sport, because it reduces lactic acid which causes body aches. To take advantage of this, soak a cloth in a mixture of vinegar and water, and apply to your sore muscle.

Let stand for about 20 minutes, and rinse. And if you're still not relieved, here are 9 more remedies.

16. To clean the microwave

Just with 150 ml of white vinegar and as much water in a bowl, you can wash your microwave super easily. All you have to do is put the bowl in and heat until it boils.

When opening, pass a paper towel, and magic! Stuck food comes off immediately. It even removes odors, with a little lemon.

17. For cleaning sponges and cloths

If your sponges or rags are so dirty that you can no longer clean anything, here is our method:cover them with water, and add 100 ml of white vinegar for one litre. Leave overnight, then wring out. Like new.

18. To whiten teeth

Whiten your teeth and reduce odor on your breath by brushing your teeth with white vinegar. Well, OK, it's not very pleasant, so we recommend once a week.

It's very effective! In addition, it soothes canker sores.

19. To prevent eggs from cracking during cooking

If you want to preserve your hard-boiled eggs during cooking, add a few spoonfuls of white vinegar to the water before boiling it. We don't know why, but it works, the proof.

20. To preserve cut flowers

This is by far our most unlikely recipe, but it works. To revive cut flowers, or maintain them, add 2 teaspoons of vinegar and one of sugar to the water.

Go ahead, you'll see. And if you're averse to vinegar, try baking soda.