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THE Trick to Know for Extinguishing a Stove that Catches Fire.

THE Trick to Know for Extinguishing a Stove that Catches Fire.

When cooking, sometimes the pan or saucepan catch fire.

If this happens, it is important to know what to do to avoid a disaster.

Do not put water on the cooking oil fire.

The trick to putting out the fire is to pour baking soda directly on the flames. Watch:

THE Trick to Know for Extinguishing a Stove that Catches Fire.

How to

1. Grab your box of baking soda.

2. Begin to slowly pour the baking soda well over the pot or pan on fire.

3. Stop pouring as soon as the flames die down.


THE Trick to Know for Extinguishing a Stove that Catches Fire.

There you go, your pan or saucepan is no longer on fire :-)

The baking soda extinguished the grease fire quickly. Be aware that it takes a good amount of baking soda to put out the fire.

This trick only works if the flames aren't too big.

Warning: to avoid the risk of the burning contents of your pan overflowing, pour the baking soda slowly and be careful of the flashback.

Your turn...

Do you know any other tips for putting out a stove fire? Share them with us in the comments. We can't wait to read you!