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26 amazing uses for baking soda in the kitchen.

26 amazing uses for baking soda in the kitchen.

Say immediately stop the chemicals that until then "assisted" you " to clean the kitchen and your utensils.

They are expensive, not at all good for your health and above all do not measure up to the effectiveness of a magic product called... baking soda!

A real alternative to classic household products, this multitasking product will revolutionize your cleaning habits because yes, it can do it all.

Want to know how? Discover our 26 baking soda tips to properly clean and maintain your kitchen:

26 amazing uses for baking soda in the kitchen.

  • 1. Make your sink shine
  • 2. Clean your cutting boards
  • 3. Restore shine to tarnished glasses
  • 4. Clean the oven windows
  • 5. Clean the coffee machine
  • 6. Clean the ceramic hobs
  • 7. Thoroughly cleaning a wok
  • 8. Clean a plancha
  • 9. Clean your microwave
  • 10. Clean your fade device
  • 11. Finally clean your raclette machine easily
  • 12. Remove tea stains
  • 13. Clean your carafe
  • 14. Whiten your tablecloths
  • 15. Degrease your fryer
  • 16. Clear your drains naturally
  • 17. Make your silverware shine
  • 18. Clean your appliances
  • 19. Descale your kettle
  • 20. Get rid of odors in your trash
  • 21. Sanitize and maintain your dishwasher
  • 22. Clean your thermos and water bottles
  • 23. Deodorize and clean your refrigerator
  • 24. Deep clean your oven
  • 25. Clean the kitchen counter
  • 26. Make washing up by hand easier and faster

1. Make your sink shine

Our kitchen sinks are constantly attacked by multiple products and substances (grease, food, limestone, etc.).

It is therefore necessary to clean them well to restore their full shine. To do this, apply this grandmother's trick.

Wet your sink and scrub it gently with a damp sponge sprinkled with baking soda.

Rinse everything with clean water and your sink finally regains all its splendour! It's easy, economical and completely ecological.

Check out the trick here. And it also works with white vinegar.

2. Clean your cutting boards

Regardless of the material of the cutting board, the cuts made on it leave notches in which microorganisms engulf.

This creates bacteria nests that are not healthy at all. Luckily, there's a grandma's trick to cleaning it all up.

Sprinkle baking soda on your board, scrub with a sponge and let sit for a few minutes. Rinse then wipe the treated areas.

Baking soda has the advantage of being abrasive and therefore of being able to deeply clean the treated material whether it is a plastic or wooden board.

Check out the trick here. And it also works with lemon and salt.

3. Restore shine to tarnished glasses

The glasses, by dint of washing, especially in the dishwasher, degrade and become heavily tarnished (due to limescale).

To revive their shine, it is therefore necessary to remove this limestone from the glass.

And to do this, nothing better than using baking soda combined with white vinegar.

The abrasive properties of the baking soda will help loosen the limestone and the acidity of the vinegar will eliminate it.

To achieve this result, rub your glass with a damp cloth or a soft sponge well impregnated with our 2 substances.

Be careful to rub gently so as not to scratch the glass.

When baking soda and white vinegar come into contact, a chemical reaction will cause the mixture to foam.

Then rinse your glass with clean water and wipe it with another fine clean cloth.

If this method is not sufficient, it is because the glass cannot be recovered because it is too tarnished.

Check out the trick here.

4. Clean the oven windows

Household cleaners for cleaning oven windows are not only chemical, but also quite expensive.

What if we told you that you could replace them with an equally effective natural product... do you see me coming? It's baking soda.

To restore the shine of the oven glass with this product, follow these steps.

Clean the glass with a damp sponge soaked in baking soda (pour 2 tablespoons).

Bicarbonate being abrasive, we advise you to use it after dissolving so as not to scratch the glass.

Then wipe with a cloth or towel. If stubborn marks persist, leave the product to act overnight then polish the areas with a sponge.

Check out the trick here.

5. Clean the coffee machine

Like any device in contact with water, scale appears at one time or another in the circuit of the coffee machine.

Performance is then reduced and this can even damage the device.

So take care of your coffee maker and do this to clean it.

Pour 1 liter of cold water and 1/4 cup of baking soda into the tank.

Wait for the baking soda to dissolve completely then turn on your machine to do a normal use cycle.

The injected solution will thoroughly clean the coffee maker as well as the traces of coffee in the carafe.

Once the water has completely run out, repeat 1 or 2 more cycles until the water is clear.

And it also works with white vinegar.

6. Clean the ceramic hobs

Are you skeptical about the effectiveness of the household products you use to clean your ceramic hobs?

You are quite right; the only product you should use for your plaques is called baking soda.

For formidable efficiency, apply this process.

Slightly wet your baking sheets and sprinkle baking soda all over. Using a sponge soaked in water, gently sand the entire surface.

The abrasive properties of bicarbonate make it possible to remove stains from plates. To finish, wipe them with a soft cloth.

Your plates become completely clean for your greatest pleasure.

Check out the trick here.

7. Thoroughly clean a wok

Essential utensil for all cooking enthusiasts, the wok must be pampered if you want it to continue concocting delicious flavors.

To do this, apply this proven trick from grandmother.

Put cold water and 2 tablespoons of baking soda in your wok.

Boil the mixture over high heat for 15 minutes then drain. Then take a sponge to gently rub the inside of the wok and rinse.

Finally, dry your utensil and you're done.

8. Clean a plancha

The plancha is the dietetic device par excellence. It allows cooking without fat.

So do her a hell of a favor by cuddling her as much as you can.

To help you, arm yourself with your baking soda, moisten the plates and sprinkle the product until they turn white.

Leave to dry for a few moments then rub with a dry cloth and wash with clear water.

The abrasive properties of bicarbonate make it possible to eliminate all impurities and stains.

Your device will be like new again!

9. Clean your microwave

A microwave is more than useful to us on a daily basis (to heat up, defrost...).

But its regular use causes it to get dirty quite quickly. It is therefore necessary to clean it periodically.

And to achieve an effective cleaning, nothing better than scouring it with baking soda with the following method.

Place in your microwave a cup of water in which you have added 2 teaspoons of baking soda.

Boil your mixture for 3 minutes in your device.

This will release water vapor which will stick to the walls and thus loosen all the impurities.

All you have to do is pass a cloth over the walls so that the inside of your microwave is completely clean and sanitized.

Check out the trick here. And it also works with white vinegar.

10. Clean your fade device

Hmmmm, how good is a good fondue!

Except that after use there is still a lot of fat to remove and that's no pie.

To help you in this task, use the inevitable miracle product that is baking soda in the following way.

Make a mixture of 2 parts baking soda to 1 part water. Pour the paste thus created into the fondue pot and leave to act for 1 hour.

Then wipe with a soft cloth and put your utensil in cold water.

Your appliance comes out clean:all encrusted food has disappeared.

26 amazing uses for baking soda in the kitchen.

11. Finally clean your raclette machine easily

If there is one cleaning I hate to do, it is the raclette machine.

It is true that after its use, there are always lots of encrusted cheese residues that are difficult to remove.

And the mess is over! Use baking soda to clean all this easily and above all delicately (especially for the hob).

Make a paste of 2 parts baking soda to 1 part water.

Pass this solution on your device, let sit for 1 hour and wipe with a soft cloth.

As for the utensils (cups, spatulas), mix 1 liter of hot water with 2 tablespoons of baking soda and immerse them in it for 1 hour.

All you have to do is wash them with your usual dishwashing liquid.

Bicarbonate has the advantage of being a powerful washing agent without attacking your dishes.

12. Remove tea stains

If you are a big tea drinker and you don't know how to properly clean your teapot, cups or filters, be sure to read the following.

The properties of baking soda are all indicated to easily clean these utensils.

The magic solution to apply consists of a tablespoon of baking soda, a tablespoon of water and 1 of white vinegar.

Pour this mixture into the teapot, into the cups or onto the filter, making sure to get it all over the walls.

You just have to let it sit for 1 hour, rinse well and the result will be perfect! Your dishes will be spotless again.

Bonus tip:if your teapot is fragile (porcelain...), there is an alternative so as not to damage it.

Put 1 liter of water with 1 tablespoon of baking soda in it and leave for 1 hour.

Wash the teapot with clear water and dry with a soft cloth.

Check out the trick here.

13. Clean your carafe

Keeping a decanter clean is no easy feat.

It is true that by dint of filling it with water, wine or other drink, deposits are made and leave traces.

But luckily, you can rely on baking soda.

Pour a tablespoon of this product into the bottom of the carafe and add 1 liter of lukewarm water.

Leave to act for 2 hours then shake the carafe in a circle so that the deposits are completely detached thanks to the solution.

You just have to empty the liquid and rinse with cold water.

If residue is still present, repeat the same thing, but add lemon juice.

And it also works with white vinegar.

14. Whiten your tablecloths

Are your tablecloths tarnished and/or stained from use? Is it the same for your completely decrepit towels?

To give a second life to all this, especially in terms of colors, use baking soda.

Put a tablespoon of baking soda directly into the drum of the machine with the cloths (scattering the product everywhere).

Then proceed with a classic wash cycle.

The properties of bicarbonate allow your laundry to be more effective and eliminate bad odors while reinvigorating the original colors.

Check out the trick here.

15. Degrease your fryer

It's always a great idea to make fries. It's good, it's simple to make and it makes children happy.

On the other hand, what a horror to have to clean the fryer!

It's all greasy and you can't properly remove the oil that sticks to the walls.

So to avoid toiling over the device for a mediocre result, use this method instead.

First empty the frying oil (find out how to reuse it here), and then put baking soda in the bottom of the bowl.

Leave to stand for 30 minutes then proceed with a classic cleaning by rubbing with a sponge and dishwashing liquid.

Finally rinse with plenty of water to find a fryer worthy of the name.

Also discover another alternative here.

16. Unclog your drains naturally

Are you looking for an effective and above all natural way to unclog and/or deodorize your pipes?

Baking soda is the perfect ingredient to answer that!

By using the latter, you definitely do without chemicals that are not at all good for your health.

For that, apply this method.

First, run baking soda and white vinegar through your pipes and let the mixture work.

To intensify the effect of the mixture, you can add coarse sea salt accompanied by boiling water.

Then take a suction cup and wiggle it well above the sink hole and nothing will resist it anymore.

Your piping becomes healthy again without having used poisonous products.

Bonus tip:even if your pipes are not clogged, pour 4 spoons of baking soda every week with hot water.

This prevents clogging of the piping and eliminates bad smells.

Check out the trick here.

17. Make your silverware shine

The beautiful silverware you inherited is starting to tarnish? Do you want to restore it to its full glory?

Baking soda is here to help you do that very easily.

Take a clean kitchen towel, dampen it with water and sprinkle some baking soda on it.

All you have to do is polish your silverware with; the baking soda will restore the shine to your cutlery without attacking it.

Check out the trick here.

18. Clean your household appliances

Household appliances (robots, blenders) are very practical. They make it easy to prepare delicious meals.

On the other hand, like any device of this kind, their maintenance must be irreproachable and meticulous.

For this to be the case, apply this method.

Put hot water in your device and add 2 tablespoons of baking soda.

Then run the appliance in the classic way for 30 seconds, clean it as usual and finally rinse it.

Bicarbonate optimizes cleaning and makes it more efficient for an impeccable result.

Bonus tips:if you have blended vegetables that have left traces on the appliance, apply the tip above, but leave the bicarbonated water to act for a few hours.

The same applies if limescale appears on the appliance. Wait a few hours for the mixture to work and then clean.

19. Descale your kettle

If there's one appliance that quickly gets covered in limescale, it's the kettle.

And if, like me, you live in a region where the water is very calcareous, I won't tell you about the effect it has.

Fortunately, you will be able to descale all this easily with baking soda.

Be aware that baking soda reduces the calcium content of the water.

This helps to fight against limescale deposits and thus keep your appliance longer.

To remove deposits from the kettle, pour 1 liter of water into it with 2 teaspoons of baking soda and boil.

Empty the tank, rinse with clear water then repeat the operation 2 or 3 times. The non-encrusted limestone plates can then be easily removed.

For more stubborn plaques, it is only a matter of time. They usually come off the next day.

And it also works with white vinegar.

20. Get rid of odors in your trash

After a while, garbage smells become unavoidable due to the accumulation of waste.

Can't find a way to fix it all? Don't panic, we tell you how to do it with the excellent baking soda.

To neutralize odors, the trick is to sprinkle the bottom of the bin with baking soda.

Then, as the bin fills up, repeat exactly the same thing by sprinkling the product on the waste.

You can be sure to see the foul odors disappear.

Check out the trick here.

26 amazing uses for baking soda in the kitchen.

21. Sanitize and maintain your dishwasher

The dishwasher is a household appliance that must be taken care of, as bad odors and bacteria can develop.

For this, nothing better than using baking soda by applying the following trick.

Run an empty wash cycle, having previously poured 4 tablespoons of baking soda directly into the dishwasher.

Do this operation at least once a month to degrease well and above all to prevent the appearance of bad odors.

Bonus tip:sprinkle 2 tablespoons of baking soda on dirty dishes with each wash. You will no longer be bothered by the appearance of bad odors.

Check out the trick here.

22. Clean your thermos and water bottles

To thoroughly clean your thermos and above all remove all deposits such as limescale, use baking soda.

Its powder reduces the concentration of calcium in the water and therefore eliminates light layers of limestone.

You only have to pour a tablespoon of baking soda in it (or a teaspoon if the thermos is small) with boiling water.

Leave for 1 hour then rinse with plenty of water.

The bottom of the thermos is cleaned and sanitized. No more deposits are present there.

Check out the trick here.

23. Deodorize and clean your fridge

Cheese smells that won't go away? Traces of dirt that you want to remove?

By using baking soda, you will restore your fridge to its full glory.

For this, concoct a solution composed of 3 teaspoons of baking soda for 50 cl of water.

Take a clean cloth and simply polish your fridge with it.

It becomes clean again and you have removed the unpleasant odors.

Bonus tip:to prevent odors from appearing in your fridge, put a small bowl filled with baking soda at the bottom of it.

This will easily neutralize incipient odors.

Check out the trick here.

24. Deep clean your oven

The oven is certainly the appliance that gets dirty the fastest when cooking on a daily basis.

And after, hello the hassle of cleaning the burnt grease stains!

Luckily, baking soda is here to help you avoid this nightmare.

Make a paste with 2 parts baking soda to 1 part water.

Apply this mixture to the entire surface of the oven and leave to act overnight.

The next morning, grab a sponge and rinse it all away for an effortlessly shiny oven!

Check out the trick here.

25. Clean the kitchen counter

The kitchen worktop is particularly prone to dirt of all kinds.

It's normal when you cook every day for the whole family!

To avoid commercial chemicals, break out your magic powder.

Just sprinkle your baking soda on a sponge and wipe on the work surface.

And presto, everything is clean!

Check out the trick here.

26. Make washing up by hand easier and faster

Tired of scrubbing for long minutes to degrease all your dishes?

Your friend the baking soda will fix it for you!

To make washing up easier and save time, just sprinkle baking soda on a damp sponge.

Use your dishwashing liquid as usual and you will see its effectiveness tenfold!

You scrub less and the chore of dishes is shortened by as much!