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Rekindling a Chimney Fire:The Trick of a Real Scout.

Rekindling a Chimney Fire:The Trick of a Real Scout.

Wondering how to keep a fire burning bright?

There is a real miracle product used by scouts to rekindle the fire:I'll explain everything to you!

Scouts have a trick that works every time to rekindle a dying fire:coarse salt.

And you know that at, we are always ready for tips!

A good fire

I don't know about you, but I I love a good fireplace when it's really cold .

Makes me think how good it is to be warm when it's -10°C outside, with a cup of chocolate and a book.

Finally, you still have to know how to keep your fire very lively , and not everyone does.

When the fire dies, we often have this bad reflex to drop and turn on the heater.

A handful of coarse salt

Stop there! I have a solution that should help you keep the dream alive:when you see your fire starting to die, my advice is to throw in a good handful of coarse salt . As if by magic, it will revive and start warming your toes again.

As a fan of wide open spaces, I can tell you that this trick also works very well for campfires in the middle of the forest . It's a good way to keep out the cold and the nasty pests.

And here is the job! A good warm winter in all circumstances! Do you know any other tricks to keep your fire intact or even to light it? It's over here for the comments.