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3 Infallible Methods for Effortless Ironing.

3 Infallible Methods for Effortless Ironing.

Because our men make the effort to iron their own shirts without tearing their hair out, here are my 3 infallible methods to simplify their work.

Apart from special occasions, the shirt is still widely worn by several trades, both by men and women.

With or without a tie, the collar must be polished and wrinkles should be avoided. Once you know how to do it, it's a lot less scary.

Method nº1:in what order, to iron easily and quickly?

Did you know that there are shirt ironing championships? 8 minutes is the last record I have under my belt. With my mom's method, it's possible. Here's how:

Prepare the ground and equipment well

- Provide hangers
- Always check that your sole is clean to avoid catastrophy on white shirts. Otherwise wash it with a clay stone, rinse and shine. Your sole will be re-polished and will slide much better.
- Also check that your table is clean . Otherwise, wash the ironing cover. Because when you wet the crease you made (we're not gods, huh!), it will avoid having a beautiful halo on the clean shirt.
- Put some water in the iron, to catch the creases (just in case), you will wet and iron until the crease disappears, don't panic!
- Then adjust the temperature of your iron to that of the fabric of the shirt
- Test on the wrong side of the fabric, the first time, in a small corner. Some cottons, for example, do not support too hot an iron, others will support a temperature on "linen".
- I recommend ironing black shirts, and dark ones in general, inside out. It avoids the shiny effect on the seams that we call "gloss". Our grandmothers didn't like it. Afterwards, it's up to you.

Now that you're in the starting blocks, let's go back

Oh no. Stop!

- Put on your favorite music, to reassure yourself... and complete with your favorite teddy bear next to you (we can let off steam on it if we miss each other!)... What do you mean you don't have a favorite teddy bear?

It's good, we're ready.

- Start with the collar ,
- if there are any, always iron the logos upside down, or use a handkerchief so as not to put the iron in contact with them,
- the cuffs, inside so as not to melt the buttons,
- the rest of the sleeves , from the seam to the top of the sleeve, and from the shoulder to the wrist,
- the top of the shoulders ,
- the line of buttons on the front, still inside,
- one side, the back, and the other side ,
- hang the shirt immediately on a hanger, by closing a button at the top so that it does not slip,
- avoid bending it,
- do not stack several shirts on a chair,
- avoid putting several on the same hanger.

If you always do it in the same order, you won't even think about it in the long run, and you'll save a lot of time. Finally... you'll spend more time enjoying your "sex appeal"!

And if you really need to see it to believe it, I found a video on Youtube, just for you.

Method nº2:shirts that cannot be ironed, do they exist?

Yes, and it feels good! Now there are easygoing shirts. Whether they are originally wrinkled because it's style, or "easy care "for the classic cuts, we say thank you! You can find these in many brands and stores. At what price? I've seen 20 euros, 30 euros... I admit:I've been I did not buy a shirt, especially for men. I am therefore in no position to estimate these amounts.

Some viscose shirts need little or no ironing when hung to dry. Provided you have done a light spin, wool cycle type.

Method nº3:... I forgot...

Why not teach your teenagers to iron. That's when my mom taught me. It was an opportunity to make some pocket money later with the mothers of my girlfriends by doing the ironing for them. But don't be fooled, compare the prices with those of a cleaning lady!

Saving time through know-how is still as essential today as it was in the days of our grandparents. We are not going to deprive ourselves of it.

If you too have irresistible tips to simplify ironing shirts, go ahead in a comment.