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How Do I Remove Red Wine Stains.

How Do I Remove Red Wine Stains.

An evening that's a bit too drunk and it's quickly a disaster:your favorite shirt is smeared with red wine. No problem, my little natural decoction will solve the problem.

I am clumsy. That's it, I'm clumsy. Strangely my clumsiness tends to increase exponentially around 3-4 am on Friday or Saturday or both. And every other morning, when I wake up with my shirt still on the back, I realize that it is full of red wine.

I'm not just saying this for the record, it really happens to me a lot of times. That's why I decided to solve the problem by applying Julie Frédérique's trick, which she shares with us in her book Le Citron Malin ( available on Amazon).

You guessed it, the lemon is the basis of the trick. But above all, even before washing, I rub the stain with Marseille soap. I don't hesitate to press very hard, because as everyone knows, red wine is tenacious.

In short, after a few minutes of intensive effort, I rub again, but this time with half a lemon. Then I rinse with a jet of almost boiling water, before putting my garment in the washing machine.

The operation generally takes me barely 15 minutes and allows me to keep all my nickel shirts , even after the most epic nights.

And you ? How do you fix a piece of clothing with a red wine stain? I await your advice in the comments.

How Do I Remove Red Wine Stains.

Savings Achieved

Vanish, K2r and all the rest, it's very cute but it's above all ultra expensive:around 8€ per litre.

No need to bother with products intended for stain professionals (dyers what), just bring salt, a lemon and Marseille soap.

I calculated, everything costs about 3€, that is to say less than half of a stain remover sold in supermarkets, and for a much longer lifespan.

Since I stain myself with red wine about every other week, I use the trick really often and save something like $30 a year. Who says better?