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Apple battery charger:a charger that knows how to save money.

Apple battery charger:a charger that knows how to save money.

It may sound weird but Apple has released a battery charger. As usual, with the apple brand, this charger is not trivial and offers a very nice innovation.

Like all Apple products in recent years, the Apple battery charger is a smart product.

Indeed, it allows you to charge batteries without wasting electricity. The charger automatically detects when charging is complete so you don't waste valuable kWh.

Clearly, as soon as your batteries are recharged, it shuts itself off to stop running your electricity meter.

The charger is supplied with 6 batteries, no more excuses to buy conventional batteries. Practical, economical and intelligent, it is a product that we particularly appreciate. You can buy it now here on Amazon.

Savings Achieved

For once, the price of the Apple battery charger remains affordable since it costs less 30€ at Amazon . It's a good way to stop struggling on Sundays when your transistor has run out of batteries and all the shops are closed.

You should know that this smart charger is a concentrate of technology. Indeed, he has the good idea to optimize his own energy consumption.

Thus, when a standard battery charger consumes 315 mW to charge a battery, the Apple charger only uses 30mW! So to consume 10 times less energy, upgrade to small apple charger.