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How to Stop Ruining Your Electricity Going to the Toilet.

How to Stop Ruining Your Electricity Going to the Toilet.

Right now, who knows why, inventors are overflowing with imagination to save us money on electricity, like these new generation toilets. Here's how.

Since we all know that the planet's energy resources are running out of steam at breakneck speed, and especially since Europe is economically in the ravine, we have seen a whole host of inventions flourish to produce our own energy, from solar panel to electric soccer ball through wind turbines.

The last born comes to us from Singapore. It is the work of researchers from Nanyang Technological University. It consists of toilets that not only save you 90% of water when flushing, but also allow you to create electricity!

I nvention of the Year

The little gem has been soberly named the No-Mix Vacuum Toilet. The term No-Mix refers to the fact of separating the excrement in two basins in order to divide the water needs and, by a clever system, to use only 200 ml instead of the 4 to 6 liters usually necessary.

But there is much better:these toilets transform stool into biogas containing methane, then converted into electricity. As the system has 2 reservoirs, the urine is separated from the stool to create fertilizer.

The No-Mix Vacuum Toilet has been supported by a national research program and could eventually equip all homes in Singapore, as its performance proves to be effective.

When is France? For the moment, no commercialization planned, but my little finger tells me that it will not be long.

What do you think of this invention? Would you be ready to equip your home? Tell me everything in the comments.