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How to Take Care of Your Pet Without Ruining Yourself?

How to Take Care of Your Pet Without Ruining Yourself?

If the joy of having a faithful companion at home has no no price...

...taking care of it quickly becomes very expensive and many abandonments are counted each year.

Here are 3 solutions to take care of your dog, cat, rabbit or parrot, even with holes in their pockets!

1. Trusting Future Vets

Just like the hairdresser, apprentice veterinarians need "guinea pigs" to learn the trade.

By allowing them to learn, you also benefit from a very appreciable economic advantage. Between -50 and -70% less on your bill.

Supervised by professional veterinarians, the students take care of your animal. Birds, cats, dogs or even reptiles, everything is allowed.

The prices vary according to the region and the type of operation, but to give you an example, if you want to sterilize your cat, you will have to count about 120 €. By trusting apprentices supervised by pros, you will only pay €60 !

Only drawback, there are only 4 schools that allow it in the following cities:Alfort, Toulouse, Nantes and Lyon.

2. Call the SPA

The Society for the Protection of Animals is the most famous place to go and adopt a happy companion abandoned by its masters.

Did you know that you can also take advantage of the care they give them in 12 clinics spread throughout France? You will find the list of dispensaries on this site.

You can thus go and have your animal treated, tattooed, vaccinated or sterilized at a lower cost, with the justification of a meager salary (tax notice, RMI...etc).

So you can take care of your animals without spending too much.

3. Thinking about Associations

Some associations exist to help you take care of your pet when you can no longer afford it.

The association The Animal of the Heart is part of. Located in Meaux, it offers to take care of your pet to treat it if it is sick or to feed it. Just make an appointment. You can also support them on their Facebook page.

Similarly, the association Veterinarians For All offers to take care of your pet if you run out of money. A great way to not abandon your pet when he needs you the most! Here is their site, for more information.

And you, what do you do to take care of your pet at a lower cost? Share your tips in the comments.