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The Homemade Air Freshener Your Toilets Will Love.

The Homemade Air Freshener Your Toilets Will Love.

Bad smells in the toilet:NO thank you!

So, are you looking for a natural, economical and chemical-free deodorizer for your toilet?

Fortunately, there is a trick to deodorize the toilet naturally.

Use alcohol and lemon essential oil to make your homemade toilet deodorizer . Watch:

The Homemade Air Freshener Your Toilets Will Love.


- 200ml of water

- 50 ml of 70% alcohol

- lemon essential oil (about 20 drops)

- spray bottle

How to

1. Put alcohol and the essential oil in the spray.

2. Shake to mix well.

3. Add 200 ml of water.

4. Shake again to mix.

5. Spray.


And There you go ! You have made your natural air freshener l homemade :-)

Simple, practical and effective!

Easy to make your homemade natural air freshener, isn't it?

You now know how to permanently scent your toilets.

This mixture purifies the atmosphere and can be kept for several weeks.

Remember to shake it well before each use.

With this grandmother's recipe, you are sure to have a toilet that smells good.

You will see, it is a non-toxic natural air freshener and super efficient.

Your turn...

You tried this grandma's trick to deodorize the toilets ? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to read you!