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How I Heat My Home Cheaper with a Wood Stove.

How I Heat My Home Cheaper with a Wood Stove.

That's it, fall is here! Goodbye barbecue evenings on the terrace, hello warming heating! To bring me maximum comfort at a lower cost, I decided to heat my house with a wood stove…

Conventional heating with electricity or gas is becoming more and more expensive. Wood is almost 4 times cheaper than electricity and 2 times cheaper than gas. It leaves you dreaming!

The wood stove is therefore a good economical alternative for heating. In addition, wood is a natural and ecological fuel that does not pollute very much, and is totally renewable. I like!

How I Heat My Home Cheaper with a Wood Stove.

Installation of my Wood Stove

Ideally, I install it in the middle of the main room of my house. I can also place it close to a wall, as long as there is enough space for the air to circulate. It should not be placed too close to combustible materials (parquet, wallpaper). It can be placed on an insulating plate.

Above all, I think of installing protections all around to prevent my children from burning themselves, because certain parts of the stove can become hot during use.

Of course, I must have a smoke exhaust duct, or install one.

Which stove to choose?

I start by looking at the efficiency of the stove. The higher its output, the less fuel I will need.

Then I look at its power, i.e. the average surface it can heat. By buying the model that suits my needs, I won't have to add a back-up heater if the power is too low, or run it at underspeed if the power is too high.

Rustic or modern, there are many models that will surely allow you to find your happiness.


I have the choice between pellets and logs, knowing that pellets are more expensive. Logs are more user-friendly but require manual loading. Pellets provide a better yield.

I decide according to my needs and my desires... and I admit that personally, I love sticks, but my living room is not big so I can afford it!

In case you have trouble deciding, there are also combi log and pellet stoves.

Any comments and tips on the best ways to save on the heating bill? It's here!

Savings Achieved

On average, one kWh obtained per log costs 0 € 035 . However, the average price of an electric kWh is 0 € 12 . Almost 4 times the price of wood !

In my house heated only by electricity, I consume about 8,822 kWh/year. After a quick calculation, I realize that the savings achieved thanks to a wood stove is approximately €750/year . Certainly a little less since I will still need heating for the bedrooms, but it's still very interesting, isn't it?