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Do You Have Your Gas Heating System Regularly Checked?

Do You Have Your Gas Heating System Regularly Checked?

Are you heated with gas?

Did you know that the annual inspection of your heating system by a professional is mandatory?

Every year, you must have your system checked to avoid disasters. It's the law!

The advantage is that if your system is in bad shape, it can save you excessive expenses.

Do You Have Your Gas Heating System Regularly Checked?

How to

As we say around here, prevention is better than cure:employ a regular technician who can pamper your installation for a hundred euros a year.

In addition, repairers are like bakers:they like loyal customers.

To keep you, they often give you a small discount on the invoice.

Small downside (because life is not always rosy):some technicians tend to overcharge for their services when they haven't repaired anything at all.

There are even cases where the professional himself creates the breakdown in order to be able to charge you. Watch out for scams!

Savings achieved

Regular checks and maintenance of your heating system can increase its longevity and improve its performance while saving energy.

Indeed, if your heating system stops momentarily, your expenses can exceed a thousand euros , sometimes even much more... especially if you live in a castle in the woods -;).

Take precautions before it's too late and do an annual technical inspection.

How much does it cost?

Around €150 per year depending on the services. Prices fluctuate between 100 and 200 € depending on your contract and what is included inside. You can have just maintenance or maintenance with spare parts for example.

In any case, you thus avoid significant repair costs which will be much more unpleasant to pay all at once...

Your turn...

Do you have your gas heating system checked every year? Have you had any bad surprises with your bill? Tell us in the comments. We can't wait to read you!