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Moving from metropolitan France to Overseas:how to reduce the bill?

Moving from metropolitan France to Overseas:how to reduce the bill?

Moving from France to the DOM TOM requires preparation several months in advance. It is therefore necessary to plan the methods and the steps to be taken but also the transport of his personal effects and the furniture to be transferred from one accommodation to another. All these services have a relatively high cost. It remains to be seen whether there are solutions to reduce the bill of his move.

How does moving from metropolitan France to overseas territories work?

There are two possibilities for transporting furniture / personal effects from mainland France to the DOM TOMs, namely:

  • By air :transport is carried out by freighter. It is especially suitable for small volumes, given the high price of the move.
  • The maritime transport :all the goods we own are stored in a container that can be assigned individually or in a group. The latter is the cheapest formula because the container is shared between several customers. This allows you to pay only for the volume of goods in transit.

A few tips to pay less for your move

When you call on a professional, it is possible to reduce your moving bill. To do this, it is appropriate;

  • To opt for the most economical formula. It implies that the customer is responsible for preparing his boxes and packing fragile and/or precious objects.
  • Choosing the best time to move is the law of the off-season . The months of July and August are more popular with families with school-going children. Similarly, the transfers of civil servants are more frequently carried out during the summer season. The cost charged is generally 25% higher than that of an off-season move. It's a way to reduce your bill when you take this particularity into account.
  • Thinking about your stuff :the price of a move depends in part on the volume of the load to be transported. The less important it is, the less salty the note. To gain a few cubic meters, it is possible to sell or donate objects, clothes, furniture that have become useless. Likewise, what is broken or unusable, even outdated, should be discarded. It will not be used in the new housing either.
  • Find cardboard packaging by its own means. Indeed, these supplies offered by the movers are most often paid for. Supermarkets prefer to donate boxes rather than throw them away, even though they are increasingly being recycled.

Benefit from financial aid

A moving allowance is granted by the Caisse d’Allocations Familiales under certain conditions.

  • Have at least three dependent children, born or unborn,
  • The new home must be eligible for Family Housing Allowance (ALF) or Personalized Housing Assistance (APL),
  • The move must take place "on the 1 st day of the month following the end of the 3 th month of pregnancy and the last day of the month preceding the 2 th birthday of the last child » according to the regulations in force.

The amount of the premium is calculated according to the number of dependent children within the limit of the expenses incurred. For 2019, the moving allowance is:

  • €991.58 for three dependent children,
  • €1,074.22 for four dependent children,
  • €82.63 per additional dependent child.

To claim this aid, the person concerned must send to CAF within 6 months of the move, the file duly completed as well as the required supporting documents.

In the event of a professional transfer from an employee domiciled in France to the Overseas Territories, a contribution from the employer is generally granted. It makes it possible to reduce expenses, or even to be fully reimbursed for the amount of the move.

Still in the context of a professional transfer, financial assistance is allocated under certain conditions:the accommodation must be rented and located more than 70 km from the home. This aid called Mobili-Pass is subject to a tax cap . Its amount varies from €3,000 to €3,500 depending on the geographical area.