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5 Tips To Get Rid Of Flies.

5 Tips To Get Rid Of Flies.

Tired of flies?

Outside it's bad enough, but inside it's worse.

These insects quickly become unbearable. And we just want to get rid of it as soon as possible.

Small flies, big flies, green flies...

Here are 5 grandma's tips to get rid of them!

5 Tips To Get Rid Of Flies.

1. Cloves

Stick cloves in half an orange, half a lemon or an onion. Place it in a cup and change every 15 days.

The advantage is that it also repels mosquitoes.

Click here to discover the trick.

2. Lavender

Lavender also repels flies naturally. You notice it if you have it outside. It is the smell of this flower that repels flies.

Place sachets of lavender around the house.

3. White vinegar

It is also an effective repellent for flies. Again, it's the smell that repels the intruder.

Small cups of white vinegar in the house, and voila! Reapply as soon as the vinegar smell disappears.

4. Basil

This plant also repels flies. Just place pots on windows and balconies to keep flies out.

And if you don't have basil, it also works with mint!

5. Essential oils

The most effective is geranium essential oil (which also repels mosquitoes), but also lemongrass.

A few drops in a diffuser and you're done!

And here is a trick to make your own essential oil diffuser.

5 Tips To Get Rid Of Flies.


And there you have it, you have managed to drive the flies away from your home, naturally :-)