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6 Effective Tricks To Get Rid Of Flies In The Chicken Coop.

6 Effective Tricks To Get Rid Of Flies In The Chicken Coop.

I love my chickens. And having it at home is a real treasure.

On the other hand, in summer, it is far from being easy!

Why ? Because pests and insects are everywhere...

There are so many flies in the chicken coop that you almost need a mask to approach!

But no need to buy insecticides to kill them!

Fortunately, there are natural and effective solutions so that your chickens can live in peace.

6 Effective Tricks To Get Rid Of Flies In The Chicken Coop.

By using these natural tricks, I have almost no more flies in my chicken coop!

Here are 6 effective and natural tips to get rid of flies in the chicken coop . Watch:

1. Have a good ventilation system in the chicken coop

6 Effective Tricks To Get Rid Of Flies In The Chicken Coop.

Having air that circulates well is a simple and effective trick to drastically reduce the number of flies in the chicken coop.

For example, if there are open windows on either side of your chicken coop, this will create a natural draft that will scare flies away.

Why ? Because flies, like many flying insects, can't stand the wind while they fly!

It sure is much less practical for flies to fly with big turbulence in the air.

Another effective option if your chicken coop has electricity is to use a fan.

If you don't have electricity, you may be able to use a large extension cord to plug in the fan.

To prevent your chickens from hurting themselves with it, be sure to use a fan with a safety screen that has the smallest holes possible.

2. Use diatomaceous earth

6 Effective Tricks To Get Rid Of Flies In The Chicken Coop.

Always have diatomaceous earth on hand when you have a chicken coop.

It is made up of the remains of fossilized algae. I use it a lot in my barnyard or garden.

It is the best natural way to fight against parasites.

To do this, sprinkle diatomaceous earth in and around the coop, especially in areas where chickens take their dust bath.

Don't worry, it's a non-toxic and 100% natural product that dries out insects and prevents the proliferation of fly larvae.

It's not a "miracle cure", but along with the rest of the tips on this list, diatomaceous earth works.

3. Hang fly water bags

6 Effective Tricks To Get Rid Of Flies In The Chicken Coop.

Here's a very effective grandmother's trick that doesn't cost a penny!

The trick is to fill plastic bags with water and put yellow coins in them to disorient the flies.

To do this, fill a large zip lock freezer bag halfway with water and add a few pennies or pennies in it.

Hang this bag on the coop doors and windows.

The reflection of the light on the water bag keeps the flies away without you having to do anything.

This is also a very common trick in Mexico. Check out the trick here.

4. Make a natural fly spray

6 Effective Tricks To Get Rid Of Flies In The Chicken Coop.

Insects are sensitive to odors, especially those of certain essential oils.

Just mix them with white vinegar in a spray bottle and spray around the chicken coop.

Flies hate rosemary, basil, dill, peppermint, spearmint, lavender, thyme, geranium, lemon, lemongrass, or wild orange essential oils.

To make this natural fly spray, put 500ml of white vinegar, 500ml of water, 2 tbsp of real vanilla extract and 40 drops of essential oil (just one or a combination of the above ) in a spray bottle.

Shake well and spray generously in the chicken coop wherever flies congregate (door, window...).

5. Keep a clean chicken coop

6 Effective Tricks To Get Rid Of Flies In The Chicken Coop.

Seems obvious, doesn't it? Yet this is often the main cause of a chicken coop full of flies!

It's very simple, the cleaner the chicken coop, the less it attracts flies.

Why ? Because flies love things that smell bad!

Therefore, one of the best ways to avoid flies is to clean the coop regularly with white vinegar. Find out how here.

Having a clean chicken coop means removing manure as soon as possible and cleaning nesting boxes and perches regularly.

To make the job easier, you can put cardboard under the nesting boxes and perches, which you just have to remove and change regularly.

I also frequently add new litter (to reduce odors), turn over already dry litter, and sprinkle diatomaceous earth on it.

Similarly, chicken feed attracts flies. The trick then is to feed the hens outside the coop, never inside, especially in summer.

I also try to remove leftovers as soon as I can, so as not to attract flies unnecessarily.

Last tip, remember to eliminate stagnant water in and around the chicken coop, as this is what serves as a breeding ground for flies.

And above all, do not put your compost bin near the chicken coop!

6. Use the best fly trap there is:the CAPTIVATOR

6 Effective Tricks To Get Rid Of Flies In The Chicken Coop.

I tested practically all the fly traps that exist on the market.

And I can tell you that there is only one that really works like thunder! And it's not the sticky strips!

The best option out there to really get rid of flies in the chicken coop is called the Captivator.

A Canadian friend who has been using this trap for years gave me the good info.

And since then I can tell you that I can't believe my eyes!

The 2 liter jar was full in just a few days as you can see in the photo above.

The icing on the cake, this trap is non-toxic. So no worries about using it around or in the chicken coop if needed.

It is best to hang it in the sun as close to the ground a few meters from the chicken coop to attract flies.

For the rest, follow the instructions carefully and you will be surprised with the result!

To discover: How To Make An Ultra Effective Bottle Fly Trap.

Your turn...

Have you tried these tricks to repel flies in the chicken coop? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to read you!