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5 Effective Tips For Fighting Flies.

5 Effective Tips For Fighting Flies.

With the heat come the flies.

And the flies are unbearable.

Especially when they sit on the skin and spin overhead all day. So what to do against flies?

To keep these insolent critters away from the house, here are 6 tips you can use at home:

5 Effective Tips For Fighting Flies.

1. Don't leave food lying around

The first trick to fight flies is very simple but terribly effective.

Never leave food lying around your home. Whether on the table or sinks, everything must go!

Put them immediately in the trash or in a closed place.

Why ? Because that's what attracts flies the most!

2. Use fly paper

Glue-coated paper rolls are efficient but laborious.

And frankly, it's not great design if you put it on the table, right?

But it's true that for the rest of the house, it can be useful. It is very effective in suppressing flies in the house.

Click here if you want to buy some.

3. Use basil

You also have at your disposal a rather unknown natural tip:basil. It is an effective solution against flies.

Just place a few pots in the 4 corners of your house and on the windowsills. These critters avoid him like the plague.

As a bonus, basil can be eaten, and it's as many of these little bouquets that you will no longer need to buy to flavor your pasta dishes.

4. Use cloves

The trick is unknown but it is a remedy against flies that works well.

Just cut a lemon in half, then prick each of the two parts with about fifteen cloves.

Half a lemon in each piece and you're good to go.

Click here to see the trick.

5. Use onion

To get rid of flies, there is another method. Cut an onion in half and stick a few cloves in each half.

Arrange each onion half in each of the rooms to be protected.

Click here to see the tip