Every winter, it's the same story.
You just have to leave your car outside one night and you find it in the morning with windows covered in frost.
It's a step that we would do without, especially when it delays us to go to work!
For those who are tired of having windows full of frost, I have 2 simple and foolproof anti-frost tips.
These are 2 effective and practical tips that you won't be able to do without:90° alcohol and paper.
Ready for a trouble-free winter? Go!
My best advice is to keep a bottle of 90% alcohol in the trunk.
Then just pour a little on a cloth to soak the outside of the windows.
I do it about every other evening and in the morning , my windows are crystal clear!
Not a trace of frost!
For even easier use, you can put the alcohol in a spray.
Know that it is a practical and effective solution if the frost has also become embedded inside the car.
My second tip is to place newspaper at night on all the windows of the car.
In this way, in the morning, to leave for work, we find smooth windows and protected from frost.
It's also very effective and cheaper than 90% alcohol.
It's a bit like an anti-frost cover that you can find at Cdiscount, Leclerc or Action...
But this protection is homemade and therefore much more economical!
The newspaper forms a protective screen on the windshield to protect it from frost.
The problem is that if you don't completely cover the surface of the glass, the frost manages to pass a little.
I use this trick when I'm too lazy to rummage through the trunk to get my bottle of 90% alcohol...
Or when the bottle is empty!
Two or three sheets of newspaper and you're done.
Don't worry, the ink from the newspapers won't rub off on the windows, because they are very thick.