Today I'm showing you how to get rid of frying smells at home. you.
Because if fried foods are delicious, the smell of burnt oil is the most unpleasant!
Not only does it smell strong, but it also permeates all the rooms including the bedrooms.
Fortunately, I know natural solutions to get rid of it in 2 steps 3 moves.
And I can tell you that it has revolutionized my culinary life.
I no longer think twice before making good fries on the pretext that it smells bad.
Discover 9 tips to eliminate a frying smell at home and it smells good quickly. Watch:
So the title may seem obvious and yet it makes all the difference.
Be aware that the older your oil is, the stronger the odor it gives off when it heats up.
The oil must therefore be changed regularly if you do not want to end up with very unpleasant scents.
Replace it approximately every 10 uses and take the opportunity to clean your fryer.
Finally, I don't know if you know this, but you can extend the life of frying oil.
Just use potato peelings; look here it's awesome.
Again, you're going to tell me that it's obvious.
Opening the window and turning on the hood does indeed make sense when frying.
Well, go tell that to my friend Nicolas who makes fries for him while keeping everything closed!
Result, a real infection in his kitchen; in addition he complains of odors that remain encrusted.
So I allow myself this little reminder in the hope that he reads this article.
Leaving the window open and turning on the hood reduces the smell of frying.
Finally, one more little thing that seems simple but not necessarily always applied.
Close the doors of neighboring rooms to prevent the smell from seeping into the bedroom, living room and bathroom.
Given the slightly sour smell of vinegar, it may seem odd to use it to eliminate frying odors.
And yet, I assure you that it works.
Just put 2 cups of white vinegar in a saucepan then bring to a boil.
The scents that come out of the pan literally neutralize the bad smells of frying.
It's super effective.
More generally, know that white vinegar eliminates any type of bad smell in the kitchen.
And then, if the smell of vinegar puts you off a little, add 1 or 2 drops of lemon.
Essential oils also very effectively eliminate pesky frying smells.
Dilute 3 or 4 drops of essential oil in water with an electric diffuser and leave to act.
After barely 5 minutes, it is the sweet scents of lavender, cedar or grapefruit that you smell.
It's still more pleasant a house that smells good, isn't it?
The frying smell also disappears easily with this little grandmother's decoction.
Boil 1 liter of water and add 2 cut lemons, 1 cinnamon stick and 5 cloves.
The scented vapors replace the detestable smell of frying .
In fact, it's even better than that.
Our little mixture gives a very pleasant Christmas scent.
Test to get an idea.
You might be surprised...
...but toasted bread perfectly neutralizes frying odors in a kitchen.
For this you either toast it in the toaster or put it in the oven.
Be careful though; I said grill it, not burn it!
Otherwise, it's the smell of burning that's hard to get rid of.
Parsley is an excellent 100% natural anti-odor.
It is very effective in eliminating frying smells in the kitchen.
Just put 1 or 2 sprigs of parsley directly into frying oil to see the effects.
Once the oil has been heated and reached temperature, the food emits less unpleasant odors.
Leave bowls of baking soda or coffee grounds on your counter overnight.
This effectively absorbs frying odours.
And yes, baking soda isn't just for cleaning, it also eliminates odors.
Same for coffee grounds, especially do not throw it away; it can be used for many other things!
You can add certain foods to frying oil to prevent it from giving off a bad smell.
Among the simplest techniques is the one that consists of inserting slices of apple into the oil.
Wash the fruit and remove all seeds, before immersion.
Use one slice at a time and, as soon as it is golden, replace it with another slice.
You can also add the juice of half a lemon to the oil before you start frying.
In addition to eliminating the bad smell, you give the frying a pleasant fresh taste.
This technique is ideal for frying fish for example.
The choice of oil is fundamental.
Not only for frying success, but also to avoid the smell of fried food.
Indeed, it is the smoke that emerges from the oil when it reaches its "smoke point" that causes the bad smell.
For this reason, it is important to use an oil with a high smoke point.
Among these are peanut oil and sesame oil.
Next come sunflower oil and corn oil.
It is important to use good quality and above all "new" oil that has not been used for previous frying.
There you go, you now know how to hunt, neutralize, remove and remove frying odors naturally!
Easy, practical and effective, isn't it?
No more lingering scents that become encrusted on clothes, coats or even hair!
What a treat to finally be able to make your little fried dishes without worrying about smoke fumes.