Here I show you how to clean one of the most important utensils in the summer:I named the Plancha.
Gas or electric, I love this appliance which gives me good little grills and grilled vegetables.
The problem is that the planchas become very dirty quickly after each use...
So, how do you keep a griddle clean and not alter the taste of the food you cook on it?
Fortunately, no need to use chemicals!
I only use natural methods and I can tell you that my plancha has remained impeccable for years.
Discover 7 natural tips for cleaning and finding a nickel griddle even if it is very dirty! Watch:
Whether your plancha plate is steel, cast iron, stainless steel or enamelled, the cleaning method remains almost identical.
Only the finish changes from one material to another.
First, you have to reheat the plancha so that the temperature reaches about 80°C.
Once the heat rises, spray a mixture of water and white vinegar that you will have prepared in advance.
For this, take a spray bottle and pour in 5 good tablespoons of vinegar for 1L of water.
Then loosen the cooking residues by rubbing with a short spatula and if possible angled.
Make sure that these residues fall into the tank integrated into the plancha (which must also be emptied and washed).
Finally, finish according to the material of the board:
- For a steel or cast iron plate , pass vegetable oil on the plate to season it.
By doing this, you create a non-stick and anti-rust layer which helps keep it looking like new!
- For a stainless steel plate , apply a coat of special food grade stainless steel product to give it a new look.
Remember, however, that stainless steel darkens over time. Its final shade is therefore always darker than the original.
Put some on the whole plate, wait 30 seconds for the product to act then rinse with clear water.
- For a plate in steel or enamelled cast iron , use a special enamel product like the silver stone.
Pass it over the entire surface of the plate, wait 30 seconds for the product to act and rinse with clear water.
If stubborn residues are really difficult to remove, use baking soda.
The abrasive properties of this product are very effective and in addition do not scratch.
Simply mix baking soda with water and apply the paste all over the plate.
Rub your equipment, insisting on the areas where the residue is stuck.
Rinse thoroughly afterwards.
The power of bicarbonate allows you to find a plancha like new.
Couldn't clean your hot plate?
Well, know that you can do a cold cleaning without any problem.
First, make sure the gas supply is turned off or the electrical appliance is unplugged.
Next, pour warm water and 1 or 2 drops of washing-up liquid on the enameled cast iron cooking plate.
Scrape the entire surface with a stainless steel spatula and let dry.
Finally pass a dry microfiber cloth and finish cleaning by rinsing with clear water.
The problem everyone encounters with planchas is the food residue that sticks to it.
So you have to find a way to remove them easily.
And that is entirely possible thanks to the de-icing technique.
The concept is simple:
Once your plancha is off, place ice cubes on the plate.
The thermal shock thus created detaches the encrusted residues.
Be careful though, don't do this on an email plate.
This can create micro cracks in your material.
For this material, replace the ice cubes with a jug of water.
The effect remains the same.
Have you barbecued several times with your plancha, but haven't cleaned it yet?
Inevitably, the result is that it is really very dirty; it is therefore time to resort to drastic measures.
First heat the plate at full power to calcine the encrusted food residues.
Scrape them with your spatula and drop them into the collection tray.
Put a little oil on a paper towel and pass the sheet over the plate.
This allows you to finish the job cleanly and lubricate the equipment for future use.
Seeing the title, you're probably wondering what it's all about...
Now we are being offered to clean the plancha with eggshells!
Well, know that it's very serious, and above all very effective.
The method is as follows.
Break the eggshells into very small pieces and blend them in a blender until you obtain a powder.
Dip the powder in soapy water and pour the solution on the plate.
Scrape the plaque with a spatula or sponge and rinse with water.
Finally, don't forget to use a small paper towel to dry everything.
Why does it work?
Egg powder has mild abrasive properties that gently clean your device.
Lemon juice is a powerful acid with several benefits.
On the one hand it keeps your device clean by removing all traces of stains present on the plate.
On the other hand, it eliminates all bacteria.
Lemon juice therefore cleans and disinfects.
All you have to do is pour pure lemon juice on your plancha and leave to act for ten minutes.
Scrape with the spatula to remove all residues then rinse with clean water.
In addition to the cleaning techniques seen above, I have listed 5 very useful tips from the pros:
If your griddle remains wet after cleaning, the griddle may rust.
So remember to always dry your device thoroughly with paper towels or a dry cloth.
For a rolled carbon steel coating, remember to coat the plate with vegetable oil.
This prevents it from oxidizing and causing rust spots to appear.
Want to know how the pros manage to keep a nickel griddle for a long time?
Well they start cleaning the plank at the end of cooking, before eating!
That is, instead of cooking the food, turning off the plancha and postponing the cleaning, they do this:
- They turn off the griddle before the food is finished cooking.
- They put the grills aside.
- They take ice cubes (or cold water for enamel) and deglaze the plate to loosen the residue.
- They eat their good grills.
- They scrape with the spatula and put the residue in the collection tray.
Be careful not to scratch your plate!
So do not use too abrasive sponges.
And refer to the instructions to find out what the coating of the plancha is.
As seen above, no de-icing on an enamelled steel plate for example.
Ah yes, no need to use harmful commercial cleaning products either.
They can leave traces and even give your grilled food a bad taste.
A soapy water based on black soap or white vinegar do the trick perfectly.
When the barbecue season ends (sniff), the pros do a thorough cleaning of the plancha.
That way, he finds it like new when the ball reopens.
When I say thorough, I mean a cleaning of all utensils.
The plate obviously, but also the burners, the trolley and the utensils (tweezers...).
Wash the accessories with a damp sponge and dry them with a paper towel.
If possible, do not leave your plancha outside during the winter.
If you can, put your device in the garage or in a dry, protected place.
Protect it with a protective cover to preserve the plancha from humidity, dust and wind.
For slightly more fragile coatings such as laminated carbon, you can even add a cover.
This kind of cover is very practical and has a double advantage.
On the one hand, it protects the plate from dust which saves us from cleaning the plate before cooking.
On the other hand, the cover protects the plate or after being lubricated.
And There you go; you now know how to naturally clean your plancha :-)
Easy, practical and effective, isn't it?
In addition, these methods work for all brands of plancha.
Weber, Moulinex, Krampouz, Tristar, Tefal, Cook'in Garden, Butagaz, Mainho, Forge Adour, Hobbs...
These grandmother's tricks effectively clean all non-stick coatings (including chrome and ceramic).
No more planchas that hang as well as oxidized, rusty and blackened plates!