I don't know about you, but there are days when I don't really can't do the housework!
Do the dishes, the laundry, sweep the floor, clean the toilets...
As a result, everything accumulates and it's even more difficult to get started the next day.
So, how do you motivate yourself to clean up on a daily basis to avoid this?
Luckily, over the years I've found tips that work to motivate me to clean my house even when I'm lazy.
Here are 9 effective tips to motivate yourself to do housework . Watch:
1. Invite friends over. Nothing is more motivating than showing others a clean and tidy house. They'll think you're a cleaning freak! So call your friends and tell them to stop by for a drink tonight.
2. Start the stopwatch. If you limit cleaning to only. an hour, the task immediately seems less insurmountable. Do you think it's impossible to clean up in such a short time? Follow our guide here to find out how to easily do all your cleaning in 60 minutes flat.
3. Start small to make the task less daunting . It avoids complete blockage! Try tackling a single room in the house first. You can also challenge yourself to clean up all your stuff in 30 days max.
4. And if you have to, start even smaller. Focus on one task, such as doing the dishes. You'll see, it's super easy with these tricks.
5. Ask for help if you can. You'll do twice as much and you'll go twice as fast. Even children can help you! Not only to tidy their room of course, but also to do other household chores. You can use this table of household chores according to children's ages to help you.
6. Pick a song and crank it up. Why ? Because it makes cleaning a lot more fun. And here's a great site for finding motivational music for cleaning up. With this, you will motivate the troops!
7. Start by throwing away everything you can or recycle where possible. Here's how to easily declutter your home.
8. Thank you when you're done giving you a small reward. A little sweet pleasure, a relaxing bath, a facial treatment... It's up to you to see what makes you want the most!
9. Turn off your smartphone and all other screens. To get the housework done and done right, you're going to have to stop reading tips online and really get to it;-)
There you go, now you know all the tricks I use to motivate me to clean my house :-)
Please know that after writing this list, I turned off my computer and followed my own advice.
I managed to finish the dishes and clean the room.
My husband undertook the heroic task of vacuuming, brooming and mopping hair from the living room (thanks, Greg).
Now only 3 rooms left to clean...
And now that your apartment is clean and tidy, use this planner to keep it always clean.
And think of these tricks to have a clean house easily in less than 2 hours.