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15 Tips for sleeping in heat

Problems sleeping in hot weather? With these 15 tips to sleep in heat you will get through the summer. Tropical temperatures require adjustments, even during sleep. If you don't have air conditioning, read on!

Sleeping during hot weather

Every now and then we have tropical temperatures in the Netherlands. Because most people are not used to this (I am, I have lived in the tropics for almost 13 years) it can be difficult to adjust to that. This can cause problems, especially with sleep. You need sleep to function optimally during the day. Do you normally have trouble falling asleep? Read my 5 tips to fall asleep faster.

15 Tips for sleeping in heat

As mentioned, sleeping during a hot summer can be quite difficult. Below I give you 15 tips for sleeping in heat. Tips that I have partly applied myself during the period that I lived in the tropics. Like most people here, I didn't have air conditioning there either. And should nothing really work anymore? Then you can always order a cooling vest, which makes it easier to fall asleep.

1. Choose cotton

As tempting as it may sound, satin isn't the best choice on hot days. It is best to choose (organic) cotton. Cotton breathes and ensures the right temperature distribution. Incidentally, in the summer you can also choose to just sleep under a duvet cover without a blanket in it. That way you are protected against mosquitoes, but you are not too hot.

2. Buy a pitcher

Yes, it sounds very strange indeed:but you don't just have to fill a jug with hot water. You can also easily fill the pitcher with cold water in the summer. Put the pitcher in the freezer for an hour for even more cold. Put the cold water bottle at the foot end and you will see that you are already a lot less hot.

3. Wear comfortable nightwear

Choose comfortable nightwear that is not tight-fitting. The same applies here:preferably choose cotton. Wonderfully breathable and natural material with which you can regulate your temperature a lot better. Opinions about sleeping naked during the heat are divided. Some people swear by it, others prefer to wear some nightwear. That is mainly a matter of trying it out to see what you like. As a compromise, you can also choose not to wear underwear under the pajamas, for example.

4. DIY air conditioning making

Do you not have air conditioning and are you really ready to cool down? Then you can make a DIY air conditioner. You don't need much more than a fan and a box with ice cubes. Below in the video they really make a container with circulating air, but it also works if you put the ice cubes in a box or a pan and then aim the fan at it.

5. Cool down quickly

Are you too hot? Then you can cool down quickly and easily with ice packs. To do this, place a few cooling elements in the freezer. You can then place this on your wrists, at the back of your knees, in your neck or on your ankles to cool down quickly.

6. Sleep alone

Very cozy to lie in a bed with your partner, but not so handy during hot days. If you do not have the opportunity to do so, you can choose to sleep on one side of the bed. Do you sleep alone? Then make sure you are as wide as possible. Spread your arms and legs as far apart as possible, so that heat can be dissipated optimally.

7. Sleep in a hammock

Do you have a garden or a balcony with enough space? Then hang a hammock and sleep in it. Sounds very strange, but in the tropics people often do not act differently. It is often a lot cooler outside, you benefit from the wind and in a hammock all the heat is dissipated.

8. Drink water

There is nothing more important than staying well hydrated during the heat. That is why you should not only drink enough during the day, a glass of water before going to bed helps to stay hydrated. The disadvantage is that there is a good chance that you have to go to the toilet in the middle of the night. Take that opportunity and immediately drink another glass of water. This also keeps your body a lot cooler.

9. Taking a cold shower

If it is 30°C outside, you can cool down perfectly with a cold shower inside. Doesn't necessarily have to be completely cold, lukewarm is often good too. Or start warm and end with a cold shower. This stimulates blood flow and cools you down immediately. In the tropics I only had cold water at my disposal. You may be shocked at first, but taking a cold shower every day (or two or three) will get used to it. In fact:I loved it and so did my skin.

10. Find the coolness in the house

Heat rises and you notice that everywhere in the house. Does your house have multiple floors? Then consider sleeping downstairs, on the ground floor, where the house is coolest. If that's not possible, just put your mattress on the floor. The lower to the ground, the cooler it is.

11. Hanging a wet sheet in front of the window

With the heat, most people will sleep with the windows open. Do you want even more cooling in the bedroom? Then dip a sheet in cold water and hang it in front of the open window. Due to the breeze blowing in through the window, the temperature can quickly drop a few degrees.

12. Cool your feet

Lower your body temperature? Soak your feet in cold water 15 minutes before going to sleep. You don't need a foot bath for that:a simple bucket filled with cold water is enough.

13. Camping in the backyard

If it is really unbearable at home, you can always camp in your own backyard. A tent is optional. You can also just sleep in a hammock in the garden. Or just on an air mattress if you want to be completely adventurous.

14. Choose a natural surface

A normal mattress is in most cases not the best choice if it is very hot. Instead of a mattress, you can put a bamboo mat on the floor and sleep on it. A straw mat is also an option.

15. Cool down with rice

Is it really unbearable? Then fill a sock or something similar with rice and put it in the freezer for at least 1 hour. When you go to bed, you cool down well with this. A stuffed sock with rice gives off cold for about 30 minutes. In any case, enough to at least be able to fall asleep.

Reading tip:here you will find a checklist to see if you are getting enough sleep

I hope the above tips help you. Let me know what you do yourself to be able to sleep during the heat.