Spoons, spatulas and wooden boards are breeding grounds for germs!
It is therefore important to clean and disinfect them regularly.
Washing with dishwashing liquid is not enough and even ends up damaging and drying out the wood.
Fortunately, there is a natural and effective trick for cleaning and disinfecting wooden utensils.
The trick is to soak them in lemon water and then white vinegar. Watch:
- 1 large gratin dish the size of your utensils
- lemon essential oil
- baking tray
- linseed oil
- white vinegar
- several soft cloths
- boiling water
1. Fill the dish with boiling water.
2. Add 6 drops of lemon essential oil (or the juice of a lemon).
3. Put the wooden utensils in the dish.
4. Leave to soak for 10 min.
5. Add at least 150 ml of white vinegar to the dish.
6. Leave to act again for 10 min.
7. Take out the utensils and arrange them on the baking sheet.
8. Let them dry in the sun.
1. Put some linseed oil on the cloth.
2. Coat each utensil with linseed oil.
3. Pass well in all the little corners.
4. Polish utensils with another cloth to remove excess oil.
And There you go ! Your wooden utensils are now like new and well disinfected :-)
Easy, fast and efficient, right?
Utensils are cleaned, deodorized and perfectly nourished.
Thus, the wood does not dry out or crack.
And it works for all types of wood:bamboo, olive, oak, beech...
For healthy wood, do this every 3 or 4 months.
If you don't have flaxseed oil, castor oil works great too.
Lemon disinfects and deodorizes utensils without attacking them.
Drying them in the sun activates the anti-bacterial effect of lemon. Thus the utensils are completely disinfected.
Finally, linseed oil sustainably nourishes the wood without greasing it.