Do you know household alcohol?
Household alcohol is a great all-purpose natural product!
Disinfectant, cleaner, deodorizer, stain remover, defroster...
Very economical, it replaces a multitude of household products.
This magical product really has all the qualities for cleaning the house, the car, the laundry and the little sores.
And yet we know him poorly, if at all! Wondering what to do with household alcohol?
Here are 25 magical uses of household alcohol that you absolutely must know . Watch:
Are you looking for the magic product to clean the kitchen and the bathroom with a wipe?
Forget the multitude of chemical and sometimes harmful household products sold in supermarkets.
And think of household alcohol!
With just one product, you can clean these 2 essential rooms in the house.
Dirt, dust, grease, mould... nothing resists household alcohol.
Pour it on a sponge and wipe the sponge over all the surfaces to be cleaned:worktop, gas stove, ceramic hob, sink, stainless steel or ceramic washbasin, bathtub, tile joints, cupboards and kitchen or bathroom furniture bath, table, iron, small household appliances...
Not only will rubbing alcohol leave everything clean and shiny, but it will also disinfect everything.
You can also mix half white vinegar and half rubbing alcohol to clean everything around the house.
Simple, fast and effective!
If you use household alcohol to clean and disinfect objects that can be put in the mouth, remember to rinse them with clean water.
To discover: Bicarbonate + White Vinegar:The Multi-Purpose Cleaner For A Nickel House
Household alcohol is a powerful, multi-purpose detergent.
It is also an excellent bactericide.
This two-in-one product cleans and disinfects at the same time.
Very practical when you know that the door handles and switches that you touch several times a day are real nests for germs!
By using household alcohol to clean and disinfect these sensitive surfaces, we sanitize our environment.
Just moisten a cloth soaked in household alcohol and pass it over the door handles, the switches to disinfect everything.
To discover: Coronavirus:How To Disinfect Door Handles With White Vinegar.
You have noticed ? There are always traces of limestone on the stainless steel of the sinks or the chrome of the household appliances.
To restore their shine and remove limescale, especially on taps, rub a soft cloth soaked in pure household alcohol.
And that's it!
For an impeccable finish, you can wipe with a dry cloth.
The stainless steel faucets and sink have never looked so good. Try it and you will be won over by this trick. Check out the trick here.
To discover: Limestone on the Taps? My Tip For Easy Removal.
Rubbing alcohol is a super strong degreaser. It is therefore perfect for cleaning the oven full of grease!
To remove grease easily, take household alcohol at 70° and wet a cloth with it.
Run it around the inside of the oven, on the door, knobs, handle and anywhere there are baked-on grease deposits.
Pay particular attention to the dirtiest areas.
Want a tip to make your job easier? Use a toothbrush to scrub in every nook and cranny.
Leave to act for at least 5 min. Then rinse with a cloth that you have soaked in hot water.
Your oven will be like new! And it also works for cleaning extractor hoods.
To discover: Extractor Hood Full of Grease? The Tip To Clean It EASILY.
Stains of ink, grease, coffee, wine, chocolate, carrots, vegetables, pen, paint, make-up, grease, ink, grass...
The list of stains on clothes is unfortunately almost endless!
But to eliminate them, only one product is needed:household alcohol.
To remove a stain from even a fragile fabric, start by soaking a clean cloth in rubbing alcohol.
Then dab the stain with it.
Rinse and then wash your garment in the washing machine with your usual program.
Find out here how to remove a coffee stain with household vinegar.
To discover: 15 Grandma's Tricks To Remove ALL Stains From Your Clothes.
Tired of defrosting the car windshield on winter mornings?
With this homemade de-icer, it will soon be just a bad memory.
A shot of pschitt and in a few seconds, no more ice cream!
And all you need is rubbing alcohol. Spray household alcohol on the windshield full of ice and voila, the frost disappears.
And it also works on frozen doors. A little rubbing alcohol and the doors and handles are defrosted. Very handy, isn't it?
A little advice:spray household alcohol on your windshield the night before and in the morning, you will have a good surprise. No frost on the windshield!
In 1 min you can also make antifreeze for your windshield.
Just add 30% household alcohol to the demineralized water in the car tank. It avoids buying antifreeze! Check out the trick here.
To discover: This Homemade Windshield De-Icer Clears Ice in Seconds.
When it's super cold, the pipes can freeze.
And there, it's really the cata!
To avoid this problem, mix your sink cleaning products with 30% household alcohol.
This will protect the pipes from freezing.
To discover: No More Need to Buy from Destop! 3 Super Effective Tips To Unclog Your Pipes.
Smells of cat urine, shoes or socks, cigarettes... yuck!
If you can't stand commercial air fresheners that give off very synthetic and chemical "Landes forest" scents...
...make your own natural homemade air freshener with rubbing alcohol.
To make your custom home fragrance, take an empty spray and pour half a glass of water into it.
Add half a glass of rubbing alcohol and 20 drops of essential oil of your choice.
Shake the mixture well and spread your home fragrance in the kitchen, bathroom, W.C.
You can also spray it on the curtains. No more bad smells! Discover the recipe here.
To discover: 7 Tips To Get Rid Of Bad Smells At Home.
Insects hate household alcohol.
If you are invaded by insects (ants, spiders...), spray household alcohol on their passageways and you will quickly get rid of them.
To eliminate scale insects, pour 1 teaspoon of liquid black soap, 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil and 1 teaspoon of household alcohol in 1 liter of water.
Pour the mixture into a spray and spray once a day for 3-4 days.
Another solution:you can also soak a cloth in rubbing alcohol. Then apply it to leaves and plants. This simple gesture will remove the scale insect shells.
To discover: 12 Super Effective And Natural Tips To Say Goodbye To Aphids Quickly.
Do you perhaps have little artists at home who have left markers here or there?
The problem is that some marker marks are difficult to erase...
So get out your rubbing alcohol!
To do this, soak a cloth in it and rub with the mark.
It will eventually disappear or will in any case be largely attenuated. Check out the trick here.
To discover: 19 Simple Tricks To Remove A Permanent Marker Stain From Almost Anything.
To have perfectly clean and streak-free windows, household alcohol is a great ally!
To make a homemade glass cleaner that leaves NO streaks, the recipe is very simple.
Pour into an empty spray 4 tablespoons of rubbing alcohol, 4 tablespoons of white vinegar and a glass of water.
You can add 10 drops of essential oil (optional).
Spray your product on dirty windows and mirrors and wipe with a clean microfiber cloth.
There you go, your windows are now flawless, transparent and streak-free.
White vinegar makes them shine and rubbing alcohol removes traces.
In addition, it prevents dust and water drops from settling again, leaving a protective film. Check out the trick here.
To discover: The Trick Of A Window Cleaner To Have Nickel Windows Without Any Trace.
It's not easy to clean linoleum floors without leaving streaks!
In addition, if you use a cleaner that is too aggressive, the protective layer of the lino is damaged.
The lino then becomes sticky and that's it for good...
By using household alcohol, you take no risk!
To have a clean, streak-free lino, mix 3 tablespoons of household alcohol at 90° in 1 liter of water.
Then, do as usual:use a mop to clean the floor.
Household alcohol will remove dirt, make the lino shine and speed up drying.
So, no traces!
To make the lino shine, you can also simply mix 3 tablespoons of alcohol in a bucket of warm water. Then, mop the floor as usual, as explained here.
To discover: Here's How to Clean and Shine Lino Floors EASILY.
When you don't wear your jewelry for a long time, it tends to darken quickly
To restore their luster and shine, give them a bath in rubbing alcohol.
To do this, pour household alcohol into a container (a small basin).
Let the jewelry soak overnight.
Then the next day, rub them with a microfiber cloth. They will be like new!
And it works for jewelry in gold, silver, bronze or chrome. Check out the trick here.
To discover: How I Recover My Darkening Costume Jewelry.
The slats of blinds or screens have the gift of attracting dust!
And to clean them one by one, it's not easy...
So to make it easier, use this trick. Take a spatula (or any long, flat instrument like a long knife).
Wrap a piece of cloth over it and hold it with a rubber band.
Immerse your tool in pure household alcohol without applying too much pressure.
The slats of the blinds are indeed quite fragile!
Not only will household alcohol eliminate dust, but it will also prevent it from coming back too quickly.
It leaves a thin layer of protection that prevents dust from adhering.
To discover: The Easiest Method To Clean The Blinds Of The House.
As we have seen, rubbing alcohol is a super effective disinfectant.
Its bactericidal properties have been recognized for ages.
It is therefore ideal for cleaning and sanitizing toilets.
Spray rubbing alcohol on all parts of the toilet and wipe clean.
Your toilets are thus disinfected and deodorized! Quickly done well done ! Check out the trick here.
To discover: 10 Tips For Impeccable Toilets That Smell Clean.
It's never easy to clean and disinfect mattresses and curtains!
But with household alcohol you have a simple, practical and effective solution.
Mix 1 glass of household alcohol and 3 glasses of water in a spray (or half/half as you wish).
You can add a few drops of essential oil of your choice.
All you have to do is generously spray your mixture on the mattresses and curtains.
Then pass a damp cloth over the mattress or curtains to rinse and then a dry cloth to remove as much moisture as possible. Then let it dry quietly.
It is also an effective treatment for bed bugs. Check out the trick here.
To discover: How To Clean Your Mattress In Just 3 Quick And Easy Steps.
Need to clean the tiles?
Easy ! Just mix 3 tablespoons of rubbing alcohol in 5 liters of water.
Then use a mop or sponge as usual.
With this you can clean the tiled floor, but also the backsplash of the kitchen and the tiled walls of the shower.
The advantage is that it disinfects, degreases, cleans and shines in a single step!
And no need to rinse the tile floor unless you have a baby crawling on the floor or pets. Check out the trick here.
To discover: 7 Tips for Effectively Cleaning Tile Grouts.
Household alcohol doesn't give stains a chance! But that's not his only asset with laundry.
It is also very effective in whitening laundry that has become gray and dull.
To restore the shine to your sheets, household linens and white textiles such as T-shirts and shirts, household alcohol works wonders.
To do this, put 2 tablespoons of household alcohol in the detergent drawer, in addition to your usual detergent. Then run a program at 30°C.
Your laundry will regain all its whiteness. You will immediately see the difference! Check out the trick here.
To discover: 4 Essential Tricks You Should Know To Whiten Laundry Easily.
The fridge is certainly the household appliance that needs to be cleaned most regularly.
Normal, since we keep our food there, we don't want bacteria to settle there!
Here's a great trick to clean and disinfect the fridge in one go.
Make a paste by mixing 2 tablespoons rubbing alcohol, 3 tablespoons baking soda and 10 drops lemon essential oil.
Mix well to obtain a homogeneous paste.
Put it on the non-abrasive part of a clean sponge and pass it on the walls of the fridge, the shelves and the compartments.
Then rinse with clear, warm water to remove small residues.
For an impeccable finish, you can finish by passing a microfiber cloth. Find out how here.
You can also mix equal parts water and household alcohol and use this mixture to clean the inside and outside of the fridge:shelves, walls, door, handle...
Simply soak a sponge or cloth in the mixture and clean with the interior and exterior of the fridge after emptying it.
Finish by wiping with a dry cloth. Easy and effective!
To discover: White Vinegar To Thoroughly Clean Your Fridge.
Say goodbye to dust with rubbing alcohol!
It is super effective in removing dust from light bulbs, baseboards or moldings.
To access every nook and cranny, use a thin brush that you dip in household alcohol.
Household alcohol will leave a protective film that prevents dust from coming back.
As a result, you have less dusting to do! Check out the trick here.
To discover: The Homemade Dust Spray Recipe.
Did you hurt yourself?
You can disinfect it and promote healing by cleaning it with rubbing alcohol.
But do not forget to dilute it in a 10% solution.
To discover :How To Disinfect And Heal A Wound WITHOUT DISINFECTANT.
Do you usually reuse condiment or jam jars?
Then you have probably already tried to remove the labels stuck on it.
Not easy, is it? There are still traces of glue on the glass!
Fortunately, there is a simple and effective trick to say goodbye to these ugly traces.
The trick is to rub these traces with a little rubbing alcohol.
As a result, you will have clean and smooth jars. Check out the trick here.
To discover: My Miracle Trick To Peel A Label In An Instant!
The computer keyboard is one of the dirtiest objects in the house.
By dint of typing on the keys, it is easy to imagine all the dirt piling up on it.
If you forget to clean it, hello bacteria:more than 500 per cm2. It's scary!
Fortunately, with household alcohol, it can be easily cleaned and disinfected without damaging it.
After turning off the computer, put some alcohol on a cloth and wipe it over the keyboard. All you have to do is let it dry!
Be careful, you just need a little bit of alcohol to avoid creating humidity on the keyboard. Find out how here.
To discover: Dirty Computer screen? How to Clean Nickel with White Vinegar.
Just like computer keyboards, smartphones are among the dirtiest things in the house!
And we know that rubbing alcohol is very effective in disinfecting everything.
So mix a little rubbing alcohol with a little water.
Very lightly dampen a microfiber cloth.
Pass it on the screen and the back of your phone.
There you go, no more fingerprints or bacteria.
You can also use a tissue or a paper towel.
Be careful, it is very important to barely moisten the cloth. Otherwise you will damage your smartphone. Check out the trick here.
To discover: Your Smartphone Is Dirtier Than The Toilet Bowl! Here's How To Clean It.
Commercial cleaning products cost a fortune!
Fortunately, with household alcohol, you have an equally effective and much cheaper product to clean your carpet (or carpet) thoroughly.
To do this, mix water and rubbing alcohol. Dampen a sponge and rub the carpet with it.
Rinse with water and vinegar (1 tablespoon for approximately 1 liter of water).
Be careful not to soak your carpet. You just have to moisten it otherwise it will be difficult to dry it afterwards.
And try this treatment on an inconspicuous corner of the rug first to make sure it doesn't harm the fibers or colors.
To discover: How to Clean a Carpet at Home?
Household alcohol is a mixture of methylated spirits, ethanol, methanol and disinfectant.
Thus, its smell is not too strong and it can be used without a mask, unlike ammonia.
Sometimes synthetic perfume is also added:vanilla, lemon, strawberry, raspberry...
You can find it in different degrees:90° or 70°, a bit like the alcohol you buy in pharmacies.
As we have just seen, rubbing alcohol is part of the composition of household alcohol.
Indeed, household alcohol is made up of 3/4 methylated spirits. So it's denatured methylated spirit!
Why ? To reduce the particularly strong and unpleasant smell of rubbing alcohol.
Household alcohol should also not be confused with household vinegar which is just another name for white vinegar.
Just like white vinegar, household alcohol is a natural, effective, versatile and economical product.
Household alcohol has no equal in eliminating all traces.
It thus prevents a mixture from leaving traces.
It also deposits a protective film to prevent dirt from settling in again too quickly.
But be aware that you can mix or combine white vinegar and household alcohol for a nickel chrome result.
Household alcohol can be found in most supermarkets:Lidl, Leclerc, Auchan, Super U, Carrefour, Géant Casino, Intermarché...
You can also find it in organic stores like Biocoop or DIY stores like Leroy Merlin.
In general, it is in the cleaning products department for the home. Otherwise, you will find it in the DIY department.
Household alcohol is inexpensive. Depending on the brands (Paulette, Onyx, Starwax...), the price varies between €2.5 and €3 per litre.
If you don't take a few precautions, household alcohol can be harmful.
Here's how to use it so that this product is safe for your health and risk-free.
- Household alcohol should only be used externally. It is toxic internally.
- Always store your bottle of household alcohol out of the reach of children and pets. Or store it in a secure closet.
- Better to wear household gloves when using household alcohol. Indeed, it is best to avoid contact with the skin.
- Avoid contact with eyes. In case of contact with eyes, rinse with plenty of clean water for several minutes and consult a doctor.
- Never use rubbing alcohol near a flame. It is a flammable product.
- Avoid breathing household alcohol fumes.
- After using rubbing alcohol, ventilate the room well. Otherwise, the fumes released can make your head spin. For this reason, pregnant women are recommended not to use it.
- Never mix rubbing alcohol with bleach. These two products should not come into contact.
- Remember to close the bottle of rubbing alcohol tightly after use to prevent evaporation.
- Do not use household alcohol to clean the TV, computer equipment, HIFI, video or glasses.