When steeping tea, there are often stains that remain in the teapot.
It is the tannin of the tea that colors the enamel of the teapot.
Result, it leaves stains not very clean. Especially when you have friends over...
Besides, it's not easy to get rid of!
Fortunately, there is a simple and effective trick for cleaning a teapot without scrubbing.
The trick is to use baking soda to remove those nasty traces . Watch:
1. Pour two teaspoons of baking soda into the teapot.
2. Add 500 ml of water in it.
3. Leave on for fifteen minutes.
4. Scrub with an old toothbrush if tannin stains remain in the recesses.
5. Leave to dry by turning the teapot over so that it drips.
And There you go ! Your teapot has regained all its whiteness :-)
Easy, fast and efficient, right?
No more ugly black stains in the teapot!
And all this without effort or harmful products!
It's still cleaner to receive friends at home, don't you think?
Did you know that purists never wash their teapot with detergent or chemicals?
Indeed, it alters the taste of the tea and leaves a lingering smell in the teapot.
So they prefer to clean it with this trick and use baking soda.
Why ? Because the bicarbonate removes the tannin from the walls without leaving any smell or bad taste in the teapot.