Bad smells that get stuck in the fridge happen a lot.
Between cheese, fish or sour milk...
It doesn't always smell like roses when you open the fridge door!
And this, even when it is washed regularly...
The problem is that these odors alter the taste of food and especially perfume the kitchen!
Fortunately, there is a grandmother's trick to destroy these bad smells quickly and easily.
The trick against those foul odors is to use baking soda . Look, it's quite simple:
1. Take baking soda.
2. Pour it into a bowl with a wide opening.
3. Place the bowl in the top of the fridge.
There you go, thanks to baking soda, no more foul odors :-)
Easy, fast and efficient, right?
No more holding your nose when opening the fridge or buying fridge air freshener!
And that grandma's trick also works to get rid of foul odors that linger in the freezer.
It's still cleaner and nicer that way, isn't it?
You can leave your cup full of baking soda like this for several months (3 months maximum).
To keep it active, just stir the baking soda in the bowl from time to time.
And to find out if your baking soda is still an effective natural deodorant, pour a drop of white vinegar on it.
If it foams, it's still working. Otherwise, it must be changed.
Bicarbonate also has the power to dissolve bad odors in the dishwasher.
It's true that with the dirty dishes stored in it, it's no wonder it smells bad...
To prevent stinks in the dishwasher, simply sprinkle baking soda directly on dirty dishes.
If baking soda is effective in removing bad odors, it is thanks to the irregular shape of its grains.
It provides a large contact surface with the air and traps the smells.
Thus, baking soda does not just mask annoying odors. He neutralizes them!