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Couch Odors:How To Remove Them Easily With Baking Soda.

Couch Odors:How To Remove Them Easily With Baking Soda.

Over time, sofas always end up smelling...

Especially those made of fabric or microfiber.

It can be because of tobacco smells, dog or cat urine smells...

...or baby vomit smells.

Fortunately, there is a simple and effective trick to easily remove encrusted odors from a sofa.

The trick is to sprinkle the baking soda on the couch and let it sit overnight . Watch:

Couch Odors:How To Remove Them Easily With Baking Soda.

  • How to
  • Result
  • Why does it work?

How to

1. Generously sprinkle the baking soda on the couch.

2. Leave on overnight.

3. The next day, remove all the baking soda with the vacuum cleaner.


There you go, thanks to baking soda, you can say goodbye to bad smells on the couch :-)

Easy, fast and efficient, right?

No more smells of tobacco, urine or vomit!

In this example, it was my baby who threw up on our brand new fabric sofa.

And even though I had cleaned it well with soap and water, it still smelled very bad...

With baking soda, all vomit smells have completely disappeared!

You will see...

It is also very effective in eliminating damp or musty odors.

But the good news is that it also works to remove a pee smell.

Your fabric sofa will be like new.

And no need for expensive air freshener full of chemicals!

Why does it work?

Bicarbonate has incredible absorption power.

During the night, it absorbs all bad odors with its small muscular arms.

The next day, you don't even need to scrub, the baking soda has eliminated all odors.

It's still cleaner that way!