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9 Amazing Uses for Talc in the Garden.

9 Amazing Uses for Talc in the Garden.

Talc isn't just for protecting baby's bottoms!

It's a multi-purpose, sold-everywhere product that's brimming with usefulness around the home.

But did you know that it can also be used in the garden?

Plus, it's really cheap!

When you have discovered its benefits for the garden, you will always keep a bottle on hand.

Here are 9 amazing uses of talcum powder in the garden . Watch:

9 Amazing Uses for Talc in the Garden.

  • 1. Scare away the ants
  • 2. Protect plant roots
  • 3. Deodorize dogs
  • 4. Take off your gloves easily
  • 5. Deodorize your gardening shoes
  • 6. Keep the Rabbits Away
  • 7. Scare away the beetles
  • 8. Keep aphids away
  • 9. Avoid blisters on your hands

1. Scare away the ants

Get rid of invading ants by sprinkling talcum powder outside around your house. Ants do not like this material and do not want to walk in it:they will therefore stay away. Also discover our 12 natural anti-ants.

2. Protect plant roots

9 Amazing Uses for Talc in the Garden.

When repotting a plant or cutting, coat its roots with talcum powder. This protects them against moisture and prevents them from rotting.

3. Deodorize dogs

9 Amazing Uses for Talc in the Garden.

A dog that has played outside and is still wet does not smell very good... Remove this bad smell easily by sprinkling it with talcum powder and rubbing its coat. Not only does it not bring that smell home, but it also eliminates excess sebum on his skin. His hair is then clean, light and smells good.

To discover: What to do if your dog smells bad? 2 Simple Recipes To Make It Smell Too Good.

4. Take off your gloves easily

9 Amazing Uses for Talc in the Garden.

After a hard day's work in the garden, removing your gloves is often complicated as they stick to the skin. Next time coat the inside with a little talcum powder before wearing them. This greatly facilitates their removal.

5. Deodorize your gardening shoes

9 Amazing Uses for Talc in the Garden.

If your gardening boots or sneakers are starting to smell bad, add a little talcum powder to the insole. The talc will then capture the humidity and prevent odors from settling.

6. Keep the rabbits away

9 Amazing Uses for Talc in the Garden.

Gardeners recommend adding a little talc to the seeds when you plant them before covering them with soil. Rabbits won't dig them up because they don't like talc. To protect plants that have already grown, you can try putting garlic powder to prevent rabbits from eating them.

7. Scare away the beetles

9 Amazing Uses for Talc in the Garden.

If Japanese beetles are infesting your garden and chewing up all your favorite plants, sprinkle the leaves with talcum powder. It should be reapplied after the rain until the beetle breeding season has passed.

8. Keep aphids away

9 Amazing Uses for Talc in the Garden.

Aphids also hate talc. Sprinkle talc on the leaves or young shoots they love, especially those of roses. Remember that by keeping aphids away, you also keep away some ants that feed on the sweet secretions of aphids.

To discover: 3 Effective Anti-Aphids To Eliminate Aphids Naturally.

9. Avoid blisters on your hands

9 Amazing Uses for Talc in the Garden.

When you work in the garden for a long time, you can end up getting blisters, especially from holding a tool. To avoid this, coat the handle of your tools with talcum powder. The powder prevents your hands from slipping while you work and therefore blisters do not appear.