Today I am showing you how to use garlic peels in garden.
Do you also throw them in the trash or in the compost?
After reading this, you will probably change this habit!
Because we know all the benefits of garlic.
It must be said that there are many of them for health, skin and hair.
But it must be recognized that we know less well the benefits of garlic peels .
It's a shame, because garlic peels are a real free treasure for the garden.
Here are 2 amazing uses for garlic peel in the garden . Watch:
Having chickens or ducks is great for having good fresh eggs every day.
But it takes work! You have to feed them of course...
But also treat them when necessary.
Do you know, for example, that they should be dewormed regularly?
Much more often than dogs or cats, because of their lifestyle!
And that's where garlic peels get interesting.
Garlic is indeed both an excellent depurative and a powerful natural dewormer.
Just what your chickens and ducks need!
Using garlic peels to deworm your chickens and ducks is particularly simple.
Just collect the peels and put them in their feeders.
You can also scatter them wherever they are used to pecking.
They will eat it regularly which will help them get rid of worms and vermin.
Are aphids invading your roses?
Don't let them settle on your plants!
To get rid of aphids and many other unwanted pests, collect your garlic peels.
Why ? Because they make an excellent homemade repellent , effective, free and natural.
There too, nothing could be easier to chase away aphids with garlic skin.
Just put them at the foot of your roses.
Aphids hate the smell of garlic and they will quickly clear off!
Nothing easier to do, right?
No need to spend your money on commercial repellents.
You have everything you need in your kitchen.
It's much more economical and it's a great zero waste trick!
The health benefits of garlic have been recognized for a very long time.
Our grandmothers have always known that garlic is a health asset.
The ancestors were indeed convinced that eating garlic prolonged life.
And current research doesn't prove them wrong!
The properties of garlic and its benefits on the cardiovascular system no longer need to be proven.
Consumed regularly, it is sure to help you age well and stay in shape.
You can use it in your recipes, make decoctions, teas, herbal teas or infusions or take it in capsules.
And if you're worried about having bad breath after eating garlic, use one of these tricks to eat garlic without having bad breath.