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Decoration:why not try the colored sofa to boost your interior?

That's it, we can breathe, it's officially summer! Make way for sunbathing by the sea or on the terrace, night walks in a friendly and soft atmosphere and the return of bright colors that fuel good humor. This last point does not only apply to the wardrobe, it can also concern the decoration – it is well known, the passage from one season to another can give irrepressible desires for change. And when we talk about colors that stand out inside the house, we think of “strong” objects, in other words which take up space and are enough on their own to give character to a room. The sofa is one of them and it is on him that you have to bet for the touch of extravagance according to Philip Watkin, the designer of the design sofas sold by the British brand DFS. According to a study conducted by the brand, 46% of our neighbors across the Channel would like to use more colors; blue, purple, duck blue, green and yellow being the 5 shades that would be favored to boost an interior.

Forget your fears and take the plunge

For those who have decided to take the plunge but are still hesitant about the most suitable colors, Philip Watkin provides 3 essential tips taken up by the site The Evening Standard . A sofa in a “revitalizing green” goes well with neutral walls or floors and is the perfect way to opt for color while limiting the risk of it taking up too much space. Duck blue, on the other hand, is perfect for energizing a room where there is life:it is bold and deep, but does not dominate. It complements very well with mustard yellow (on our side, we love this combination as unexpected as it is full of pep!). Lovers of more discreet renderings should turn to purple, again according to the expert. Lavender and lilac hues convey a feeling of calm and serenity and become infinitely glamorous when paired with silver details. Those who are still trying to take the plunge can first scatter colorful cushions around the room or opt for a showy chair. Finally, 5th and last advice:we keep in mind that the sofa is ideal for introducing a bright color into a neutral room and we are not afraid to mix colors and textures to sublimate an environment. "It's about identifying the colors you like and forgetting all your fears that tell you you're going to do something stupid concludes Philip Watkin. And he's right:whoever tries nothing has nothing, the main thing being to trust yourself a little... Good luck!