Do you need to wash the windows in your house?
It is true that it is pleasant the rays of sun which pass by the window.
When they can pass...
Yes, often the traces on the windows prevent us from taking advantage of the light. Whether it's rain or other unforeseen waterings, on the tiles it all shows.
So how do you make them shine without spending a dime?
Fortunately, my grandmother shared with me her tricks to make windows shine easily and without spending money.
To get clean tiles, just use white vinegar and newspaper. Watch:
Take a fabric, preferably cotton so that it soaks in well. Wet it with white vinegar.
Run it over dirty tiles until clean.
Admittedly, it takes a little elbow grease on your part, but the result is guaranteed!
Second option, if you don't have white vinegar.
Just take newspapers!
Roll them into a ball, moisten them with water.
And now scrub the tiles with the wet newspaper.
Only drawback, you have to rub harder and it's a little less effective.
Better to use this trick for lightly soiled tiles, which should be the case if we did this more often, right?
There are many "miracle" products for cleaning all glass surfaces.
The prettier the bottle, the more expensive it is, especially since it will still have to be rubbed.
The advantage with this trick is that it doesn't cost a penny!
It's very simple, just as effective and much more economical... No more excuses for speckled tiles!