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Tips against fogged windows

Too high humidity, a hot shower and cold outside temperatures, all causes that cause your windows to fog up. But what really helps against fogged windows? Try these tips against fogged windows.

Why does a window fog up?

In principle, the warmer the air, the more moisture it can absorb. If it is cold outside, the windows are also cold, while it is warm in the house. As a result, the windows fog up. The same thing happens when you take a hot shower:excess moisture causes windows and mirrors to fog up. The cold condensed water is deposited on a cold surface. The optimum humidity should be around 50 – 60%.

Fogged window:bad for health

Whether you have single glazing or HR++ glass, a fogged window indicates too high humidity in a certain room. If this is only for a short period of time, then this is not a problem. However, if you suffer from fogged windows every day for a longer period of time, this can cause problems. Think of mold and damage to your home. Mold is especially a big problem, as it can cause health problems.

Do you suffer from constantly fogged windows? Then hire a glazier. In consultation with you, he can look at which glass insulation you need.

Tips against fogged up window

Now that you know that too much moisture in the house can cause major (health) problems, you probably want to know what you can do about it. Read on quickly and discover tips against fogged windows.

1. Ventilate often

Whether it's the bathroom, kitchen or bedroom (a lot of moisture is also lost here, since you lose about ½ liter of moisture per night) several times a day, short airing is a must. It is better to air for 5-10 minutes 3 times a day, than for half an hour and only once a day. Certainly after a shower, while cooking and after getting up and before going to bed, some airing is necessary.

2. Ventilation grilles and mechanical ventilation

Does your house have ventilation grilles above the windows? Then leave it open as much as possible. Also in winter. Cold air heats faster and easier than warm air. In addition, excess moisture is removed the fastest in this way. Do you have central mechanical ventilation? Then switch it on regularly, especially when showering or cooking.

3. Cat gravel against fogged windows

You can apply this trick at home, but also in the car. Fill a sock with cat litter and place it on the windowsill. In the car you can put the sock on the floor on the foot mat. The cat litter ensures that excess moisture is absorbed. Don't have cat litter? Then you can also use newspaper in the car. You can put this under the floor mats (not on the driver's side!).

4. Shaving cream against fogged windows

You may have seen this tip before. Do you want to get rid of fogged windows? Then use shaving cream. You can smear this on the inside of the windows and let it soak in for a while. Wipe with a dry cloth.

5. Tealights and candles in the shower and bath

Candles and tea lights not only create a romantic atmosphere in the bathroom. If you place these in front of the mirror, they can also ensure that the mirror does not fog up. Of course it is still necessary to ventilate or use mechanical ventilation after showering.

6. Salt attracts moisture

Like cat litter, salt also attracts moisture. To prevent your windows from fogging up during cooking, you can place a small bowl with salt by the window.

7. Keep pans closed

A lot of moisture is released during cooking. To prevent your windows from fogging up, keep the pans closed as much as possible. If you have lids on the pans, you also save energy, because your food cooks faster. In combination with keeping the pans closed, it is advisable to switch on the extractor hood and, if necessary, air it after cooking.

8. Dry laundry outside

If you do not have a tumble dryer, it is preferable to place the drying rack with a wet drying rack outside. This can simply be done under a lean-to, in the shed or garage. Don't you have all that? Then you will have to ventilate a little more to remove excess moisture in the house.

9. Plants

It has become quite the hype:a house full of plants. Keep in mind that houseplants provide increased humidity on the one hand, and that plants simply need more moisture on the other. So you have to find a good balance here.

With the above tips it should be possible to restore the moisture balance in the house. Do you doubt the humidity? With a hygrometer you can see exactly how the humidity in your house is.