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Cleaning the Tile:3 Tips to Restore All Its Shine.

Cleaning the Tile:3 Tips to Restore All Its Shine.

Today I show you how to clean and restore all shine to your tiles.

And all of this, of course, without using any unhealthy chemicals!

No need to spend a fortune at the supermarket to buy these products that are bad for the environment.

Know that you have everything you need in your cupboards!

Me anyway, I only use homemade methods to brick my floor and wall tiles.

On the one hand, it saves me money, but above all, the result is impeccable!

Discover my 3 tips to restore all the shine to the tiles. Watch:

Cleaning the Tile:3 Tips to Restore All Its Shine.

  • 1. Black soap to make the tiles shine
  • What you need
  • How to
  • 2. Baking soda to shine the tiles
  • What you need
  • How to
  • 3. Potato cooking water to make the tiles shine
  • What you need
  • How to
  • Result

1. Black soap to make the tiles shine

A biodegradable and economical product, black soap is a very effective multi-use product.

It is both degreasing, cleaning and whitening.

What you need

- Black soap

- 1 mop (for floors)

- 1 sponge (for the walls)

How to

- Mix 2 or 3 tablespoons of black soap in 5 L of warm or hot water.

- For floors:soak the mop in the solution, wash the entire surface and let dry.

- For the walls:dip the sponge in the hot water/black soap mixture and wipe the surfaces.

Note that this trick also works on washable paints.

2. Baking soda to shine the tiles

Cleaning the Tile:3 Tips to Restore All Its Shine.

How not to mention the essential and excellent baking soda when it comes to cleaning.

The advantage of this natural product is that it has abrasive properties without scratching the surfaces!

And that's perfect for cleaning your tiled surfaces.

What you need

- baking soda

- 1 bucket or 1 basin

How to

- Fill the bucket or basin with hot water.

- Pour 1 cup of baking soda in it and dilute.

- Wash your tiled surfaces with the mixture without rinsing and let dry.

This method not only cleans the tiles well, but also prevents mold from settling.

Just a little thing to know about this trick.

Bicarbonate can leave white marks when drying.

It doesn't look the best on colored tiles...

So if this happens to you, simply rinse your tiles with water.

3. Potato cooking water to make the tiles shine

Your cooking water has value, starting with that of the potatoes!

Amazing isn't it?

And yet, I assure you that this water is a kind of perfect detergent to make your tiled surfaces shine!

What you need

- potato cooking water

- 1 stiff brush

How to

- Collect the cooking water from the potatoes and wash your floors or walls with it.

- Rinse then wipe the treated surfaces.

- If your tiles are really very dirty, cut a raw potato in half and rub the area directly with it.

- Pass a blow with the hard brush and leave for 1 hour.

You just have to rinse and wipe the area to find a sparkling tile.


Cleaning the Tile:3 Tips to Restore All Its Shine.

There you go, you now know how to thoroughly brick your floor or wall tiles effectively.

Easy, fast and convenient, right?

In addition, these tips can be used on all tiling surfaces:new, old, dark, stained, worn...

And for all rooms:kitchen, garage, shower or balconies and terraces in marble or sandstone.

Everything becomes nickel again.

Ah yes, no need to use bleach or ammonia to clean dirty surfaces either.

The yellowed and tarnished appearance disappears, as does the encrusted limestone.

Everything becomes shiny again easily and ecologically, without using a karcher (for exterior surfaces).