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Decorate your garden with a fountain

Decorate your garden with a fountain

The creation of green spaces and its universe

Nature and man are inseparable. The garden ornament dates from the very creation of the earth. According to beliefs, the man was born in the Garden of Eden, a garden renowned for its natural beauty. Moreover, going back to Antiquity, the environment was still favorable to plantations, contrary to the current issues of pollution. Since then, man has been in constant search of this Eden through landscaping.

Landscaping, a world to discover

If there is an outdoor decoration that never fails, it is the development of a green space in your garden. However, there are several possibilities to enhance a garden. Matching tastes and colors is not an easy task. It still takes exceptional creativity for a convincing result. This is where the landscape architect comes in. Several elements are at play:mineral creations, dry rivers, landscape masonry, and of course, plantations and ponds...

Decorate your garden with a fountain

Decorate your garden with a fountain

The garden can't get rid of water. Aside from watering, the integration of water in landscaping is always a plus that brings aesthetics and utility. Some choose natural pools, others small pools. If you don't want to invest much in this part, the fountain would be a good compromise!

Decorate your garden with a fountain

A small water fountain in the middle of the garden will do. The idea is to get hardware for the system. Then, you need a good mason to make the small pool, and mount everything in the shape you want! A dancing couple for a bit of romance, statues straight out of the Roman Empire, designer squares, bamboo for a Zen garden...

But often, a fountain is made according to an already pre-established model. You can also buy a ready-made fountain to make your job easier. It's up to you to find out what you like!