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How Windows 10 IoT will soon let you manage your home

Internet of Things (IoT) Revolution Internet of Things:How Your Life Will Change in the Next Year Internet of Things:How Your Life Will Change in the Next Year The Internet of Things has had its own Cambrian explosion, and it promises to make your life so much more comfortable for years to come. This is why. Read More In an attempt to lock out their competitors and gain a stranglehold on the rapidly growing market, some of the biggest tech names in the industry are starting to collaborate and form partnerships.

The latest duo to strike a deal is Samsung and Microsoft. Samsung will invest considerable resources in the development of IoT devices based on Windows 10. Here's how the partnership came about and what we can expect from it in the future.

The background

Unlike some tech companies, Samsung and Microsoft have been on reasonable terms with each other and have 30 years of experience collaborating on Windows devices. At the recent CES conference Best of CES 2016:6 Amazing Products Coming Soon Best of CES 2016:6 Amazing Products Coming Soon CES 2016 featured thousands of amazing products, prototypes, and demos. Here are some awesome ones you might have missed that you can expect to see released soon! Read More

Samsung and Microsoft had already used the conference to reveal some impressive-looking Windows 10 products, like the Samsung Galaxy TabPro S 2-in-1 tablet, but the highlight came during Samsung's Internet of Things keynote. /P>

Microsoft's Bryan Roper and Terry Myerson joined Samsung Business Solutions Unit President Dr. Won-Pyo Hong on stage, announcing their expanded IoT partnership and giving a quick demonstration of how it would work with existing Microsoft services. like Cortana 6. with Cortana in Windows 10 6 Coolest Things You Can Control with Cortana in Windows 10 Cortana can help you go hands-free in Windows 10. You can let her search your files and the web, do calculations, or improve weather forecasts. weather. Here we cover some of his coolest abilities. Read more.

Why did it happen?

During the speech, Dr. Hong stated that Samsung's vision was to be a major player in all areas of the Internet of Things, including chip and device manufacturing, and service delivery. Everything is part of the South Korean company. “IoTivity” strategy - but without a platform provider, the strategy will amount to little.

"The platform is an integral part of Samsung's IoT strategy," said Myerson. “With Windows 10, both companies wanted to do something big together.”

“Together with Samsung, we share a common vision for millions and millions of devices and all things communicate together using open protocols and standards within inclusive ecosystems.”

At first glance, it's a match made in heaven. Both companies already have vast user bases:More than 75 percent of US households have a Windows device, while Samsung has an impressive product portfolio.

Put the two together, and you could be on to a winner.

What products can we expect?

When Microsoft joined Samsung on stage at CES, they went through a live demo.

During the display, Roper asked Cortana if a washing machine was currently in use. In response, Cortana provided an audible feedback along with an on-screen graph showing the current progress of the cycle.

He then took it one step further, having Cortana bring up information about the volume of wash each family member had put into the machine, and requesting an alert when the current wash was finished.

Subsequently, other capabilities related to other devices were demonstrated. For example, Cortana could tell users how often (and for how long) they used electronics like TVs and hi-fis for each household member, or show how much capacity of a refrigerator was still available.

There may be questions about how useful some of these early features are, but it's not hard to see the long-term potential. If These 4 Things Happen, Every Home Will Be A Smart Home If These 4 Things Happen, Every Home Will Be A Smart Home In just a few years, smart homes have entered mainstream consciousness. For the first time in a long time, smart homes have real mass-market promise. But there is still a long way to go. Read more.

“Our on-stage demo highlighted Windows 10 and Samsung IoT-ready devices working together through a potential scenario of openness and collaboration, creating a future where people have more choice and can ultimately be more productive. at home.,” Roper said at his conclusion.

However, it's unclear exactly what products will be launched or what form the newly announced partnership will take. Will it be an integration of Cortana with Samsung products? Could we see Windows 10 as an operating system built into smart fridges and washing machines? 5 Smart Home Appliances You Should Buy 5 Smart Home Appliances You Should Buy The "smart home" concept is taking off and you should keep up with it Otherwise, you'll end up missing out on the future. Read more ? We might even see a dedicated Cortana app on Samsung's smartphone 4 Ways Your Smartphone Will Drive Smart Home Technologies 4 Ways Your Smartphone Will Drive Smart Home Technologies Smart home technology remains a large niche of interest; but that could soon change due to the humble smartphone in your pocket. This is why. Read more range?

We hope it will be a combination of all three. For example, imagine a scenario where Windows 10 is integrated with your Samsung oven, washing machine, fridge, dishwasher, and air conditioning unit. You could walk into your house and issue a command like “Cortana, turn the heat to 18 degrees, preheat the oven to 220 degrees, and let me know when the laundry is done.”

Since all the individual devices would be running Windows and have built-in sensors, the entire process would be seamless and save time.

Alternatively, imagine being able to control all your devices from your Windows machine, no matter where you are. You can turn on the furnace or air conditioner from your office or car, meaning everything would be ready to go the moment you walked in the door. Actually, it doesn't even have to be that extreme:you can turn on the oven from the comfort of your couch, just out of sheer laziness!

Are you excited?

The future will tell if the partnership between Samsung and Microsoft will last or if it will fade as competition increases and more products come online.

What do you think? Would you even use IoT devices? What are your concerns?

As always, you can let us know your thoughts, opinions, and ideas in the comments section below. We'd love to hear from you.