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How a virtual reality room will improve your life as an introvert

Every month, VR gets closer to becoming part of the HTC Vive overview:VR is finally a thing HTC Vive review:VR is finally a thing The HTC Vive for Steam VR redefines games, and much more. It's the closest thing to a Holodeck I've ever seen. And it is absolutely amazing. Read more . It only makes sense that at some point it's likely to be as mainstream as game consoles, personal computers and smartphones, but how will virtual reality impact our lives and society?

Like the possibility of a virtual reality room in every home Why virtual reality technology will leave you breathless in 5 years Why virtual reality technology will leave you breathless in 5 years The future of virtual reality includes the monitoring of head, eyes and expressions, simulated touch and much more. These amazing technologies will be available to you in 5 years or less. Read More Will virtual reality be embraced by introverts or shunned? Will it improve their relationships or isolate them more from society?

The psychological and cultural impact of virtual reality will be tremendous, so exploring these questions now is important.

How will introverts respond to virtual reality?

Before we begin, it's important to note that "introvert" is not a black and white term. The definition is different depending on who you ask, but if you're an introvert, you understand what it means to be one.

How a virtual reality room will improve your life as an introvert

I prefer to call it a wonderful appreciation for solitude and a deep and healthy understanding of one's inner being. Few people think more deeply, come up with more compelling ideas, and are as creative as true introverts.

How will the future of virtual reality affect people who are introverts then?

Here are a few reasons why a world filled with VR will appeal so much to introverts.

  • Introverts don't give as much social weight to facial expressions in person as extroverts do (according to a study by the Salk Institute for Biological Sciences in La Jolla, California).
  • Many introverts enjoy brief periods of socializing, but need a way to easily exit when their energy reserves run low. As Dr. Laurie Helgoe describes it in Psychology Today, introverts find that “Being the opposite is exhausting.”
  • According to Scientific American, researchers found that, unlike introverts, extroverts tend to derive great pleasure from the rewards of exploring a physical environment, particularly the social attention involved in risky personal activities such as skydiving, skiing alpine or similar activities. Introverts, however, are happier in settings where environmental rewards are not present.
  • Virtual reality gives introverts a small measure of the social interaction they crave, without the overstimulation of real-world social settings that they don't.
  • Studies show that while extroverts live in the moment, introverts enjoy more imaginative and abstract thinking. The worlds that are available in a virtual reality environment, the world that can stretch our imagination, are sure to appeal to the deep-thinking and introverted mind.

So what specific VR activities will particularly appeal to introverts in the future? Let's see.

Simulated group exercise

When you consider the act of going to a gym, where there are a bunch of sweaty people, obnoxious fishermen grunting and pounding weights, and vain people flaunting themselves everywhere, it's not hard to understand why the gym isn't An introvert's favorite place in the world..

How a virtual reality room will improve your life as an introvert

In the future, however, virtual reality may allow you to "go to the gym" without actually having to be around those obnoxious people. Whether the world is simulated or includes real people going to the same gym in avatar form, the experience will include the positive social element of working with other people, without the added environmental stimuli that introverts really don't like. I love Facebook and extroverts hate it. This is why. Introverts love Facebook and extroverts hate it. This is why. Do you like facebook? If you do, there's an excellent chance you're an introvert. If you hate Facebook, you might be an extrovert. Read more.

In fact, research shows that a virtual gym can help people get even fitter. Experiencing VR Cycling in the Gym with Expresso Experiencing VR Cycling in the Gym with Expresso Over the years, I've started and given up countless exercise regimens. I'm always looking for new ideas, and every time I walk into the gym, I'm looking for new cardio machines to try. It wasn't until... Read More Why? Because your avatar could motivate you..

How a virtual reality room will improve your life as an introvert

According to research at Stanford's Virtual Human Interaction Laboratory, something called the "mirror neuron effect" gave people tremendous motivation to do what their virtual avatars were doing, meaning that as the virtual avatar exercised alongside with the person and practically lost weight, inspired and motivated the participants more than those who did not use virtual reality.

This is especially compelling to the imaginative mind of the introvert, which may be more likely to engage in an internal dialogue where the avatar's success may psychologically represent the introvert's success.

If an introvert could take an exercise class remotely with a group of other people who were also represented as virtual avatars, it's really the best of all possibilities:the chance to have limited social interaction without meaningless small talk. , and the ability to simply turn off the experience and skip the awkward and awkward locker room experience.

Multiplayer virtual games

One of the most attractive activities for introverts in this great future world of virtual reality will be virtual gaming. Start making VR games in Unity 5 for free Start making VR games in Unity 5 for free Let's say you want to get involved in VR development. Where do you start? This guide will provide you with all the tools and information you need to get started! Read more . The elaborate and exotic virtual worlds of future games will greatly appeal to imaginative introverts who greatly enjoy deep, abstract thought and meaningful experiences.

And the ability to do so within a safe zone of the gaming experience is even more compelling. Players can portray themselves as an avatar that is perhaps an ideal version of themselves. Also, the focus of social interaction is gaming, not idle chatting or meaningless conversation.

How a virtual reality room will improve your life as an introvert

The gaming approach and the ability to use avatars can help perfect any doubts or social deficiencies the introvert may believe they have, just as gaming gives the physically challenged the opportunity to live a virtual life without restriction.

In his book “Virtual Reality Is Getting Real”, John Briggs explains that:

This is not much different from the number of friends you meet in online gaming communities. 7 Big Gaming Forums for Nonstop Video Gaming. 7 Big Gaming Forums for Nonstop Video Gaming. Do you want to socialize with other players online? Take a look at one of these massive gaming communities that have been around for a long time and show no signs of stopping in the future. Read more of today. The play approach provides the ability to learn more about people's personalities, intelligences, and ideals, before deciding if they would be nice to be around. In the same way, the virtual reality world of the future will provide introverts with the same opportunity.

Virtual social training

Although most introverts are exhausted by the experience of social interaction, or situations that may involve more social attention, such as giving a presentation, they are not necessarily experiences that the introvert dislikes or tries to avoid.

In fact, many introverts seek such opportunities in a limited way. One way virtual reality in the future can help introverts better explore those opportunities without experiencing as much mental loss is through virtual training.

Imagine being able to virtually simulate the experience of giving a speech in front of a large audience. Kill These 8 Public Speaking Demons To Conquer Your Fear Kill These 8 Public Speaking Demons To Conquer Your Fear It is often said that people fear public speaking more than death. But it is something that many have to do regularly. Here are eight public speaking demons and how to kill them. Read more.

How a virtual reality room will improve your life as an introvert

This is not science fiction. In fact, at the Bloomberg Technology Conference in 2015, Bloomberg demoed its own virtual reality software that you could use to experience being in front of an audience and giving a presentation in a conference room, complete with a wide-screen TV. great showcasing your slides, and an uninterested audience - a perfect situation for a true introvert to train.

The great thing about the Bloomberg software was that it actually tracked your eyes and could tell you if you were looking too far to the side of the room or returning your gaze to a particular person.

For introverts who tend to focus more on the content of the message than body language or facial expressions, training in such an environment can be a godsend.

Virtual chat rooms and meetings

It's easy to see how the Internet and the ability to meet remotely or in a chat room have already fueled the success of introverts. As Steve Tobak explains for CBS MoneyWatch, such technologies have helped grow the field of CEOs and entrepreneurs who are surprisingly quite introverted by nature.

With less emphasis on face-to-face situations and less need to interpret facial or verbal communication cues, these introverted leaders can focus on the message and engage in deeper, more meaningful dialogue with colleague and staff. The introduction of virtual reality as a meeting solution will really enhance that dialogue. 4 TED Talks to revolutionize your social relationships 4 TED Talks to revolutionize your social relationships. These videos provide information on social psychology and give you something to think about. Read More

How a virtual reality room will improve your life as an introvert

This is not to say that introverted leaders are better leaders, but only introverted people can become as effective at leading, thanks to technologies that allow them to take advantage of their particular strengths. The coming virtual reality technologies will only provide the introverted leader with even more such tools.

As you can see, both historical trends and social research show that technology has always been an advantage for introverts in society, and the ability to have a virtual reality room inside every home will allow introverts to socialize more than ever. , while also maintaining the comfort of solitude with just a flick of the switch.

For introverts, it's like the best of both worlds.

Are you an introvert? Do you feel that technology has improved your life in the ways described above? Can you imagine virtual reality improving your life even more in the future? Share your thoughts in the comments section below!