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Are these smart products really smart or just a gimmick?

The smart home craze is officially here. How You Can Transform Your Apartment Into A Smart Home How You Can Transform Your Apartment Into A Smart Home I'm here to tell you that it's possible to transform your apartment, duplex, or anywhere else you might live. in a smart place, one that will impress your friends and make your life easier. Read more . And with that hundreds of ordinary products are slapped with the "clever" label, misleading shoppers into thinking they're buying high-tech equipment capable of amazing things.

Sometimes those labels, if you can believe it, don't make sense. They don't guarantee a smart product that can multitask through automation like a smart article should. And worse yet, they are often too expensive.

So be careful with your money and shop with more confidence after reading this article. And be sure to avoid gimmicks that promise one thing and deliver another, or deliver nothing at all.

Clever or a trick?

If you have purchased one of these items, don't worry, we are sure it has some value. But we are not sure if the smart tag has been tagged properly.

Expensive smart toaster

Are these smart products really smart or just a gimmick?

This "smart" toaster fetches over $350 on Amazon. $350 for a toaster!

Why so expensive, you might ask? Well to spec, includes die-cast metal casing, bamboo toasting tongs, and a smart one-touch auto-lowering feature. If that's not enough, the product also features LED progress lights so you don't burn your bread. All very important, necessary elements..

In agreement. I'm going to stop being sarcastic.

This overpriced (in my world) smart toaster does everything a regular, less expensive toaster could do:it browns your bread. Added technology features, which are not required, are included for that smart technology label, which is not regulated or approved. It can be put on literally anything..

Although, not everything is bad. According to reviewers on various online shopping sites, most people are happy with the product, which is great. I just don't see what makes this a smart product. Surely it can't be the one touch auto down button or the LEDs?

Anyway, I'll let you decide.

Smart Toolbox

The following is a smart tool case brought to you by toolmakers in Germany. Please excuse the German in the next video.

This smart case promises to do everything a normal case can do. Holds your tools, keeps them organized and prevents exposure to outdoor elements. All very nice.

But the smart tag has also been tagged. Why? Due to marketing. The company here is selling a case that is organization- and utility-savvy, not tech-savvy, unintentionally catching the eyes of smart product buyers. It's not your problem. But it's a problem for buyers who want that next high-end tech for their garage.

Speaking of garage, here's another item that might confuse savvy shoppers:

The smart light

This light looks to change the way you use lights by being completely hands-free, which could be useful for many situations. It can be attached to any window or smooth surface, but is designed to be vacuumed on a car window for blockages in low light situations.

My meat with her? The labeling. Similar to the toolbox, it does what it is designed to do. But is it smart? Not in the technical sense.

However, it excels in its usefulness. Seems to be a decent product that serves a certain niche in helping people access their cars after being locked out.

Just don't think you're buying a light capable of completing automated tasks. If you want a smart light, there's plenty to choose from How to set smart lights so they don't bother everyone How to set smart lights so they don't bother everyone Sometimes all you want is a smart light bulb that does. what it's supposed to do - turn it on or off. Sometimes it can be very difficult to get your smart light to work properly! Read more.

But what we don't want you to choose is the:

Swiss + Tech smart clip

Are these smart products really smart or just a gimmick?

Why? It's obviously a trick.

The merchandising on the package suggests you're buying a high-end piece of tech, and the almost $12 price tag seems too high for a flashlight clip that can also hold your keys. Not only is the labeling misleading, but the product itself is unnecessary, especially at that price.

Unsold. I hope you don't either.

Until next time:

Robotic vacuum cleaners

This vacuum, the Dyson 360 robot vacuum, and others like it are products to avoid.

Why? Why robotic vacuum cleaners are a waste of money Robotic vacuum cleaners are a waste of money and this is why robotic vacuum cleaners are a waste of money and here is why the appeal of smart vacuum cleaners is undeniable. But they are not for everyone. You should think long and hard before buying one. This is why. Read more . They are too expensive, have less suction, don't do stairs, and require maintenance.

While the product is smart and can perform automated tasks, it is not capable of performing those tasks well enough. And for that reason, it's labeled more of a hack.

How to find smart products that are really smart

So now that we have gone through some tricks. Let's take a look at how to find legitimate smart products.

The first thing you need to do is recognize the brand. 9 Reputable Smart Home Brands with Products You Can Trust. 9 Reputable Smart Home Brands with Products You Can Trust. The modern world is moving towards all kinds of smart home automation, and the longer you hold on. the more difficult it will be when the day of conversion arrives. Read More

Are these smart products really smart or just a gimmick?

Next, consider where you buy your smart product from. The Amazon (CA) smart home section is a great first step to finding items online. eBay's home automation section is fine, though more difficult to navigate. is also a nice online store. If you want to visit a brick and mortar store, try visiting a place with a reputable name that you recognize. You don't want to make your first purchase without a return policy.

Lastly, don't buy into the premium. Many of these smart products can be assembled at home, can be purchased for much less, or are not properly labeled with the smart tag. Do your homework and buy with confidence. There are a lot of great smart products out there, if you know where and how to find them.

Down with tricks

I love technological achievements, especially smart home technology. It's exciting to see how products evolve to help people and even save the environment 5 Ways Technology Will Save the Environment 5 Ways Technology Will Save the Environment Technology is often seen as an anti-ecological villain , but did you know that advanced technology is being used right now, in cutting-edge conservation? Read more . But I hate gimmicks, especially the ones sold at a premium. And some of these products are nothing more than promoted products..

If you want to find some great products from name brands, check out some more Smart Home articles here. We've got you covered to find what you want.!

What do you look for when buying smart products? Have you been fooled by the smart label that promises everything but delivers nothing smart? Tell us your thoughts and experiences in the comments section below...