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7 of the latest tech gadgets you should probably avoid

Buying technology can be a minefield. It's easy to spend your money on something you'll later regret, especially with the explosion in the number of totally useless gadgets 15 Weird Smart Home Gadgets Nobody Should Want 15 Weird Smart Home Gadgets Nobody Should Want There are lots of technology out there that makes our lives better. There are also these gadgets, which could be the weirdest inventions in recent history. Read More

More confusing, a gadget doesn't even have to be useless to be a waste of money. Perhaps you've paid above the odds for a brand-name device when a cheaper model would suffice. The device may seem useful at first, but it is more complicated than it is worth in practice. Or maybe the device is trying to solve a problem that doesn't even exist.

We will try to help you save your money. Read on to learn about seven of the latest tech gadgets you should probably avoid.

1. Philips Hue Smart Lights

In the past, we have professed the virtues of installing a smart lighting system in your home. Those virtues hold true:Smart lights can be a great way to save money, improve home security, and save time.

But the Philips Hue system? It is very expensive compared to some of its competitors. You can't help but feel like you're paying for both the brand and the underlying technology.

7 of the latest tech gadgets you should probably avoid

In fact, in a recent article, I stated that it would take nearly a decade to regain balance if you have upgraded from incandescent bulbs to shade bulbs. If you're moving from existing energy efficient bulbs to Hue bulbs, it could take a generation before you see net gains.

Don't believe the hype. Buy a cheaper system or wait for the price of smart lights to drop.

2. Nokia 3310

No, not the Nokia 3310 from 17 years ago (although you should probably avoid that too). I am talking about the rebooted version of the popular phone. Everything you need to know about the new Nokia 3310. Everything you need to know about the new Nokia. Nokia 3310 has released a new version of the legendary 3310. This is the Nokia 3310. Updated for 2017, but with a heavy dose of nostalgia thrown in for good measure. Read More

Honestly, I'm not sure why anyone would buy this device, except in a vain attempt to be a hipster:

  • Cannot run modern messaging apps like WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger.
  • It runs on the 2G network, so it won't work in the US.
  • There is no front camera. Forget taking selfies!
  • Write text is based on the old school T9 approach.
  • It does not have any form of intelligent assistance..

If you buy one, you won't look cool, you won't look retro, and you won't be the envy of your friends. You'll just be a Wally.

3. Juicer Smart Juicer

If there's one device on this list that you should absolutely avoid at all costs, it's the Juicero Smart Juicer.

The $400 device made headlines for all the wrong reasons in the spring of 2017, when testers established that the company's proprietary juice pouches produced a nearly identical amount of liquid when squeezed by hand as per the "Four tons of force generated by the Juicero press..”

7 of the latest tech gadgets you should probably avoid

First, why would you spend $400 on any juicer, let alone a smart one? Second, why would you buy a device that only works with proprietary bags? What happens if the company goes out of business? Third, what's wrong with cutting your own fruits and vegetables? Whether you're shopping for bags or fresh vegetables, you'll still need to visit a supermarket.

4. Kolibree smart toothbrush

If you are a parent, it is important to make sure your children have good dental hygiene habits. Failure to do so can lead to unnecessary pain and expensive medical bills.

But do you really need a smart toothbrush to get them into the right routine? What's wrong with lurking ominously behind them to make sure they're cleaning for two full minutes?

7 of the latest tech gadgets you should probably avoid

It's hard not to think that the Kolibree smart toothbrush is trying to solve a problem that doesn't exist. It's just another way tech companies can get into our bathrooms. Smart devices in the bathroom? Smart devices in the bathroom not as crazy as you think? It's not as crazy as you think technology may seem out of place in the bathroom, but these smart gadgets could change your mind – and your morning routine! Read more . The device comes with an attached app that turns brushing into a game. Why would your kids rather play with their toothbrush than the latest Xbox release?

For the purchase price of $129, you can find much more useful technology.

5. HiMirror

"Mirror, mirror, on the wall, which is the most beautiful of all.?" Well, it's certainly not you, according to HiMirror.

Smart mirrors are nothing new. Panasonic debuted in 2016. But at least other smart mirrors try to be your friend, gently stroking you to change your clothes or reapply your makeup.

HiMirror takes a more aggressive approach. Its "innovative skin analysis engine" calls out wrinkles, pimples, dry skin, and other perceived beauty blemishes, then tells you how to tailor your skincare regimen to improve your appearance.

7 of the latest tech gadgets you should probably avoid

It will monitor your progress and give you more advice if you think you're not getting prettier fast enough.

Do you want my advice? Save your money and ask your partner to shower you with love and praise every morning.

6. Bluetooth Enabled Fidget Spinners

It was unavoidable, right? As soon as spinners became a “thing,” it was only a matter of time before some genius decided they were too boring in their current state and added some unnecessary technological capabilities.

Behold, the Bluetooth connected fidget spinner. Thanks to touch buttons and accelerometers, they can monitor trick turns (yes, they exist), record how long you spend turning, share scores with friends, and perform other totally unnecessary tasks.

It sounds bad? You haven't heard the worst yet. Reports in the United States say that some models are exploding during charging. Yes, not only can you lose your life playing with some plastic, but you can burn down your house while doing it.

7. parker dog

Pet-Themed Gadgets Become a Smarter Pet Owner With These Gadgets Become a Smarter Pet Owner With These Gadgets Have you heard of a smart aquarium for fish or a robot-like companion for your dog? These are examples of smart products you can buy and use in your pet-friendly home. Read More

Parker the dog claims to be a "house smart dog." You'll find them outside of stores and they're designed for you to leave your dog behind while you run errands. The house itself is temperature controlled, automatically sanitized, and includes webcams so you can always see what Fido is up to.

7 of the latest tech gadgets you should probably avoid

Using the smartphone app, you can reserve a slot up to 15 minutes in advance. To enter, simply tap your membership card on the external receiver.

And the cost? Oh, it's only $20 per year and $0.20 per minute of use. A bargain, I'm sure you'll agree.

Which devices should we all avoid?

It's a huge category. I could list thousands of tech gadgets you should avoid and still barely scratch the surface. Instead of me writing forever, why don't you give me a hand?

What technology have you bought that you later regretted? What new gadgets aren't worth your hard-earned money? Which devices do you think are too expensive, fragile or pointless?

As always, you can leave all your tips and advice in the comments below. And don't forget to share the article with your friends to see what they would add to the list..