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6 Weirdest Home Automation Gadgets You Won't Believe

You will find plenty of really useful smart home gadgets in the market; For example, you can use web-connected cameras. 5 Reasons to Install Smart Wireless Webcams in Your Home 5 Reasons to Install Smart Wireless Webcams in Your Home Home security systems are expensive. Thanks to smartphones, however, lower-cost solutions are now available. Read more to control your home security, smart thermostats to control temperature Looking to buy a smart thermostat? 5 nest alternatives looking to buy a smart thermostat? 5 Nest Alternatives When it comes to controlling the temperature in your home, the Nest Smart Thermostat is king, but there are plenty of options out there. Here are 5 to consider if you're looking to buy. Read more about various rooms, and smart garage door openers. 4 ways a smart garage door opener will simplify your life. 4 ways a smart garage door opener will simplify your life. Smart garage door openers can help. Read More

Unfortunately, there are also plenty of less useful devices out there. It seems almost every company now feels the need to make their devices part of the "Internet of Things" - And that has led to some very strange deployments.

Here we take a look at six of the weirdest, some of which you might not believe:

1. Oral-B Bluetooth Toothbrush

Oral hygiene used to be a simple and straightforward matter:Brush your teeth for two minutes every morning and night, and visit your dentist every six months. Job done.

Not anymore. Oral-B now thinks you're not "doing it right" unless your toothbrush is part of a connected bathroom.

6 Weirdest Home Automation Gadgets You Won t Believe

Back at Mobile World Congress 2014, they launched an interactive electric toothbrush and accompanying smartphone app. In theory, its features look great; It will tell you if you are brushing too vigorously or too gently, it will allow you to set personalized brushing preferences and record all your data so you can share it with your dentist.

It all seems a bit unnecessary to me. What do you think?

2. Smart toilet

It probably comes as no surprise to learn that this invention, dubbed Lixil Satis G, originated in Japan. They seem to be the world leaders in weird and crazy inventions..

At first glance, a smart toilet doesn't sound like a bad idea. You might expect it to empty automatically, or the seat to go up and down depending on who enters the bathroom, but this product is much rarer.

It can do all of the above, but it will also let you use your smartphone to activate a bidet feature, play music through built-in speakers, monitor your water usage, and, um, keep a journal of your bathroom visits.

It sure sounds crazy, but when you consider that 75 percent of people admit to using their phones while in the bathroom, Lixil might be onto something.

3. GeniCan

Imagine never having to make a shopping list again. That's what GeniCan, which is still in its pre-order phase, aims to help you achieve.

The device is a glorified barcode scanner that clips onto the rim of your trash can. When you throw something away, it will read the code and add the item to your shopping list. The list is sent to the accompanying smartphone app so you can access it when you're at Walmart.

6 Weirdest Home Automation Gadgets You Won t Believe

According to the developers, you can also speak into the device to add things to your list. That's all well and good, but I'm sure I'm not alone in thinking that sticking my head in the trash just to add carrots to my shopping list isn't really appealing.

They crushed their funding goal on Indiegogo in the middle of last year and hope to start shipping later this year.

4. Portfolio [No Longer Available]

If you have kids, the Porkfolio is a great way to teach them about saving money. 8 Great Sites To Help Parents Save Money 8 Great Sites To Help Parents Save Money Read More .

Like the toothbrush, piggy banks used to be innocent and easy to use. However, they have now been dragged into the 21st century.

6 Weirdest Home Automation Gadgets You Won t Believe

The coin slot has a sensor so when you deposit something, it's immediately displayed on the accompanying smartphone app. The app will also allow you to set various savings targets, and thanks to a built-in accelerometer, it will also alert you if someone tampered with it.

Kids will take to technology at their own pace, but I think something nostalgic is missing; You haven't had a taste of childhood until you've taken all the coppers out of your piggy bank hoping you've saved enough to buy the latest cool playground toy.

5. Pawcet Dog Faucet [No Longer Available]

If you have pets, you're in luck; there are plenty of great smart home gadgets and automation that will make your life easier. These pet training gadgets will keep your furry friend in line. These are some of the best smart pet training gadgets available today. Sit back, relax and let the wonders of the 21st century work their magic... Read More .

One such device is the Pawcet dog faucet. You connect it to a hose, and when your dog puts his paw on it, he releases a stream of drinking water..

6 Weirdest Home Automation Gadgets You Won t Believe

It will certainly take a lot of the stress and worry out of owning a dog:for example, if you leave your pet outside when you go on vacation, or if Fido lives in the backyard when you go to work, you'll never worry about it. whether or not he has kicked over his water bowl.

The hard part? Training your dog to actually use it!

6. Refuel pressure gauge tank

Propane tanks are another household item you probably didn't know had gotten the smart home treatment.

However, the Tank Refill Indicator, which is available at Home Depot, can connect your tank to your phone. If you have a gas barbecue, it is a must-have gadget, especially now that we are entering the hot summer months.

6 Weirdest Home Automation Gadgets You Won t Believe

It simply monitors the propane levels in the tank and sends you an alert when it gets low. It has a couple of drawbacks; for example, it only works with standard 20-pound tanks and doesn't offer many features beyond its core function.

Where will all this end?

If you're like me, you may be wondering about the final game. We have already seen supposedly innovative products like smart refrigerators. 3 Best Smart Refrigerators You Can Buy Right Now. 3 Best Smart Refrigerators You Can Buy Right Now. There are currently a bevy of new smart refrigerator models, as manufacturers try to give their next generation of products new appeal. There are some great products on the market. Read More Is there really enough demand for smart toothbrushes and smart litter monitors?

What do you think of these products? Are they useful enough to tempt you to part with your hard-earned money, or are they "smart" just because they're smart?

As always, you can leave your thoughts, opinions and feedback in the comments section below…