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Can a public service intern benefit from a moving allowance?

Can a public service intern benefit from a moving allowance?

The trainee official can benefit from state aid during its installation. What are these financial advantages allocated to this category of civil service personnel and their conditions of allocation? A brief overview.

Aid for the Installation of State Personnel (AIP)

The AIP is an aid intended for the holder and the trainee of the Public Service affected for the first time and who settles in a rental accommodation . It makes it possible to cover the expenses actually incurred when the accommodation is allocated. This concerns:

  • The first rent payment,
  • The security deposit,
  • Load forecasts,
  • Agency fees,
  • Lease drafting,
  • Moving expenses.

Its amount varies according to the region and district of assignment. It is set as follows:

  • €900 for an assignment in Île-de-France, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur (newly called the South Region), and in certain priority neighborhoods of city policy (QPV).
  • €500 for other regions of the national territory.

To qualify for the AIP, the reference tax income 2018 must be less than or equal to:

  • €24,818 for a single income,
  • €36,093 for two incomes within the same tax household.

The allocation of aid is linked to compliance with the deadlines . There must not be more than six months between the signing of the lease and the date of submission of the file. Similarly, the beneficiary has a maximum period of two years between the date of assignment and the date of submission of the file.

The Special Installation Bonus (PSI)

The PSI is awarded to the civil servant or trainee, assigned for the first time in one of the municipalities of Île-de-France and the Lille suburbs. Beneficiary must be on 1 st step of his grade and have a raw index lower than that fixed by the Ministry of the Public Service. For 2019, the amount of this bonus depends on the area of ​​assignment, i.e.:

  • Zone 1:€2,080.26
  • Zone 2:€2,039.86
  • Zone 3:€2,019.67

To know precisely the amount of the premium that can be allocated to him, the person concerned must inquire with his administration.

City Interministerial Committee Fund (CIV Fund)

The CIV Fund is a housing aid reserved for National Education staff assigned for the first time to an establishment belonging to a Priority Education Network (REP, REP + or City Policy). This aid cannot be combined with the AIP. The maximum amount is set at €900, however it cannot exceed the expenses incurred.

To qualify, the taxable income must be below the ceiling set each year.

Specific installation bonus

It concerns staff and interns of the State on first assignment in an Overseas Department, in Mayotte or Saint-Pierre et Miquelon. This bonus is eligible when the civil servant completes a minimum period of service of 4 consecutive years .

The amount of the specific installation bonus is fixed at twelve months of gross salary paid in three equal parts. The first payment is made upon installation, the second at the beginning of the third year and the third at the end of the fourth year. This premium is increased by 10% for the spouse and by 5% for each dependent child.

The first assignment allowance for National Education officials

This staff who cannot claim the Residence Change Indemnity (ICR) is entitled to relocation assistance upon appointment to a position. The first assignment allowance is paid in three instalments. The amount varies according to the value of the Civil Service index point. The initial amount of each payment is set at €1,829.39 per annuity.