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10 tips to organize your move without stress

10 tips to organize your move without stress

Moving is never an easy task. Source of hassle and a lot of work in perspective, moving is often scary. However, with a minimum of organization and thoughtful preparation far enough in advance, it can go quite well. Our 10 tips for organizing your move without stress.

1 - Choose the right date for your move

Certain times of the year such as summer, the very beginning of the year, and generally the end of the month which coincides with the end of the leases, are more conducive to moving. If you have the possibility, avoid these moments first for a question of price. Professional movers or truck rental companies usually increase their prices in the face of strong demand. In addition, you will have more difficulty finding an available professional, as well as rental vehicles.

This is why it is important to choose your moving date carefully and, better, to set it well in advance.

2 - Hire a professional mover

You have two options for your move:call on your group of friends to help you transport your furniture and belongings to your new home, or turn to professional movers. Admittedly, the latter solution has a higher cost. But it is also the assurance of contacting removal specialists who can provide you with great help and above all a flawless and stress-free organization.

3 - Anticipate administrative procedures

Moving is not only packing things to transport them to your new home. It also means changing your address and therefore all the administrative procedures that ensue. It is advisable to carry out these well before your move so as not to have any surprises when the time comes.

Remember to have your mail forwarded to the Post Office and to notify your insurance, tax, bank, etc. of your change of address, as well as your water and electricity suppliers, as much to close your service contracts. 'old housing only to open them in the new one.

In order not to forget anything about the steps to be taken, the website offers a list of these necessary formalities.

4 - Proceed to a methodical sorting of your belongings

If a move is often experienced as a heavy and painful task, it is also the perfect opportunity to carry out sorting rarely done otherwise. It allows you to get rid of all the superfluous that you no longer use, either by throwing them in the trash, or by selling them on second-hand sites for example, or by donating them to charities.

5 - Store carefully in boxes

In order not to risk breaking his dishes or damaging his paintings, for example, it is necessary to store his belongings carefully in the boxes that will be used for their removal. By using, for example, newspaper to wrap them or bubble wrap for the most fragile. Always with the idea of ​​protecting your belongings, also make sure to wedge them in your boxes to avoid the risk of breakage on arrival.

6 - Sort your boxes and mark them

Nothing is more stressful than boxes that pile up anywhere and anyhow during a move. To prevent this step from becoming a real headache, in the accommodation you are leaving, place boxes in each room. Once they are carefully filled in, consider noting in a marker on each of them which room of the new accommodation they should go to. Another tip:also briefly mention what you have stored in each box to make it easier to find your belongings.

7 - Take some time off

In order to organize a stress-free move, it is best to be as available as possible. So, taking time off if you're working is a good option to consider.

8 - Remember to defrost your fridge and freezer on D-Day

When moving day arrives, you might as well not have any last-minute surprises. Forgetting to empty and defrost your fridge and freezer is a classic. Don't forget to plan your steps just before D-Day to be able to transport your household appliances without any problems, and above all to be able to reinstall them without problems in your new home.

9 - Reserve a parking space for the moving truck

Also remember to contact the town hall upstream to reserve a parking space near both your old and your new accommodation. Not finding a parking lot for your truck on the day of your move contributes to increasing the stress of this moment which is already stressful.

10 - Think about the small jobs to be done in the old home

Finally, when the move itself is finished, do not waste time to carry out the small works of your old accommodation necessary before the exit inventory. The faster you do them, the more available your mind will be to arrange your new home stress-free.