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Police officer and moving allowance:explanations, quotes

Police officer and moving allowance:explanations, quotes

Like many civil servants, police officers can benefit from an allowance during a move provided that it follows a transfer. All or part of the costs related to the change of residence may be borne by the employer.

Are you a national police officer, peacekeeper or CRS? You can, under certain conditions, claim a moving allowance. The amount of this compensation depends in particular on the volume of furniture transported, the distance and the number of people attached to the household. Explanations.

What is the moving allowance for police officers?

A police officer or contract agent who is assigned to a new municipality may apply for a moving allowance. This lump sum may also be granted in the event of moving to the same city to occupy or vacate company accommodation.

The expenses covered are those related to the transport of furniture, the transport of the police officer and the members of his family (husband or wife, partner of PACS, cohabitant or concubine, children of the couple in particular). This support can be total or partial.

The conditions for obtaining the moving bonus

Several conditions are required to be eligible for the moving bonus. First, the police officer must be in a position of activity. Then, the costs of changing residence must not be borne by the employer of his spouse, PACS partner or cohabitant. Finally, the police officer must have completed 5 years or more in his previous administrative residence if the transfer request comes from him, 3 years or more if it is his first request for a change of assignment. This duration condition does not apply when the transfer aims to bring a police officer closer to his spouse or PACS partner.

Similarly, payment of the moving expenses of members of the police officer's family is subject to certain conditions. The travel and furniture costs of the person with whom the police officer lives as a couple may be covered if the resources of this person do not exceed 1,447.98 euros gross per month or if the resources of the couple do not exceed 5,067.94 euros gross per month.

Amount of lump sum compensation and procedure

The amount of the removal allowance for police officers depends on the kilometric distance, the volume of furniture transported and the number of people in the household. Thus, a police officer who moves with his wife and children will receive a higher allowance than a single person at the start of his career.

It should be noted that this allowance is exempt from CSG and CRDS and not taxable. Payment is made at the earliest 3 months before the move.

In any case, it is essential to compare the quotes issued by the moving companies to select the most complete and financially most advantageous offer.