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3 Tips for Storing Your Clothes WITHOUT Damage!

3 Tips for Storing Your Clothes WITHOUT Damage!

Want to keep your clothes for a long time without damaging them?

There are a few rules to follow when storing your clothes, so that they don't get damaged.

Here are some good things to do to keep your laundry in good condition.

I have selected for you 3 tricks that I use...

Here we go!

3 Tips for Storing Your Clothes WITHOUT Damage!

  • 1. I'm waiting for my clothes to be dry
  • 2. I don't leave the laundry very dry on the line
  • 3. I store my clothes in a dry, dark place
  • Savings

1. I'm waiting for my clothes to be dry

On the line there can sometimes be 2 or 3 items of clothing "almost" but not yet completely dry .

When I'm in a hurry, I tend to tell myself that it's no big deal and put them away as they are in the cupboard. And that is precisely what I must no longer do. Clothes and underwear put away while still damp will take on a bad smell at best. and at worst, mouldy!

You understood, I prefer to be patient and let the still moist laundry dry a little more to avoid unpleasant surprises.

2. I don't leave laundry very dry on the line

This advice is especially valid for colors that lose their sparkle in contact with the sun. As soon as my laundry is dry, I don't leave it in the open air for too long, if I dry it on a drying rack.

3. I store my clothes in a dry, dark place

Clothes therefore fear humidity and light. I have to store them dry and out of direct sunlight. Once ironed, I put them in a cupboard. If I use storage boxes, I choose them in a dark color or store them under the bed to protect my laundry.

I pay attention to the white, which tends to tarnish and become covered with yellow spots when in contact with light or a wooden surface. I then wrap these clothes in aluminum foil or slip them into a dark plastic bag.

Savings achieved

Storing our clothes by taking a few simple precautions allows us to keep them longer. We can put on several more seasons of our favorite outfits without them having moved a hair.

It's a great way to save money avoiding constantly buying new clothes because the old ones got damaged too quickly. By adopting a few good habits, we can save a good hundred euros aside for our important expenses.