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How to reduce the cost of home loan insurance?

Mortgage insurance is a significant part of its cost. Those who wish to acquire an advantageous loan therefore have every interest in negotiating this component well. Here are some ways to allow yourself margins on the insurance of your mortgage.

Playing the competition

The cost price of home loan insurance will depend, in part, on the provider you approach to take it out. Your first step, in the search for advantageous conditions, will therefore be to compare mortgage insurance. To do this, you will be asked to specify the exact nature of the real estate project you wish to finance. Is it a rental investment or the purchase of a main or secondary residence? The fact that you want to change insurers or that you are subscribing for the first time can affect the quote that is returned to you. The same applies to the number of loans you wish to insure, their nature and the amount remaining to be paid for each one. Clearly fill in all the fields of the form you are going to submit to obtain offers that precisely meet your needs. Remember that the procedure does not commit you and is, on the contrary, a simple way to master your project by giving you time to think coldly about your decisions.

The sesame of insurance delegation

Another promising strategy to reduce the costs of home loan insurance is to use insurance delegation. If until 2010, the bank which grants you the mortgage had to insure the loan itself, the provisions of the Lagarde law have modified the situation. From now on, you have the freedom to choose the insurer of your loan. The advantage of approaching another interlocutor is that he is able to decline his offers according to your profile and your needs, which authorizes price adjustments. Far from banking practices where loan insurance is delivered in a standardized version. Just try to ensure that you enjoy the same guarantees as those included in the group insurance.

Relying on a professional:the mortgage loan insurance broker

You carry out a real estate transaction of substantial value and request a loan of a proportional amount. Your mortgage insurance can be very expensive. Do not hesitate to entrust your case to a mortgage loan insurance broker. Knowing well the market trends on both sides, this professional is able to confront the needs arising from your project with the most interesting opportunities. This alternative is all the more interesting if you plan to rent out the purchased property. This service provider helps you make all the necessary calculations to plan for the amortization of your investment. Its lighting will make you distinguish between real opportunities and window dressing. On the other hand, you will have to plan for an additional item of expense since this professional requires fees for his services. Also make sure that you contact an available professional who really knows how to advise you.